2223, . The Australian government does not regard. 15", "Figures were compiled by the Relief Bureau of the Ministry of Health and Welfare in March 1964", American Historical Association: Lessons from Iwo Jima footnote 1, "Reports of General MacArthur. [258], The following is a summary of the data from the Soviet archives: No sure count of even the prepaid populations existed. [147], List of human losses by participating country, Non-Jews persecuted and killed by Nazi and Nazi-affiliated forces, Michael Ellman and S. Maksudov, Soviet Deaths in the Great Patriotic War: a note World War II . Liudskie poteri SSSR v period vtoroi mirovoi voiny: sbornik statei. Forced laborers in Southeast Asia: 70,000, 30,000 interned non-Asian civilians, The number killed in action was 2,303,320; died of wounds, disease or accidents 500,165; 11,000 sentenced to death by court martial; 2,007,571. ", "United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Saint-Petersburg, 1995. UK casualties include losses of the colonial forces. Field Marshal Gerd von Rundstedt requested permission to withdraw east behind the Rhine, arguing that further resistance would only delay the inevitable, but was ordered by Hitler to fight where his forces stood. German Federal Archive Spieler, Silke. Wars and Population. If the British refused to agree to a peace treaty, one option was to invade. 1939 Press Photo American Soldiers Honoring French WWII Casualties in Nantes . With a large number of men captured, the stubborn German resistance during the Allied campaign to reach the Rhine in February and March 1945 had been costly. Detailed by country: Rummel estimates POW deaths in Japanese custody at 539,000. Mainly for this reason, estimates of total dead in World War II vary anywhere from 35,000,000 to 60,000,000a statistical difference of no small import. Fighting on the Western Front was preceded by the Phony War. Ostarbeiters and POW in Third Reich and Their Repatriation) (Russian). Ein Wrterbuch zur Zeitgeschichte. A Russian historian in a handbook of human losses in the 20th century has provided the following assessment of Czechoslovak casualties: The Danish Ministry of Education has detailed Denmark's losses in the war of about 8,000 persons including 2,685 killed in Denmark in bombing raids, resistance fighters and those executed by the Germans and 3,000 who died outside Denmark including (2,000 merchant seamen, 63 serving with Allied forces, 600 in German camps, 400 workers in Germany). 4-The figures for Army wounded add up to 4,219,211. Military deaths from all causes totaled 21-25 million, including deaths in captivity of about 5 million prisoners of war. Archivalien und ausgewhlte Erlebnisberichte. Soviet sources list the deaths of 403 of the 2,377 Finnish. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. The Commission determined that the demographic estimates by the German government counted as missing 90,000 ethnic Germans assimilated into the Czech population; military deaths were understated and that the 1950 census data used to compute the demographic losses was unreliable. A discussion of the famine in Java during 194445, leads Pierre van der Eng to conclude that 2.4million Indonesians perished. The World War II Databook, by John Ellis, 1993 p. 256. Military operations between the occupying German military forces and their "Quislings and collaborators" against the Yugoslav resistance. American losses were 586,628, including 135,576 dead. With the fighting ended, the Germans began to consider ways of resolving the question of how to deal with Britain. These figures vary because of the shift of borders between 1937 and 1940. Niewyk, Donald L. The Columbia Guide to the Holocaust, Columbia University Press, 2000; Statistisches Jahrbuch fr die Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1960 Bonn 1961 p. 78, Bundesarchiv Euthanasie" im Nationalsozialismus, bundesarchiv.de; accessed 5 March 2016.(German). The names of U.S. Page 202, "The Soviet-German War 19411945: Myths and Realities: A Survey Essay", US Army Battle Casualties and Non-battle Deaths in World War 2: Final Report, "The final stages of the naval war in north-west Europe", "12th Army Group Situation Map for 18 April 1945", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Western_Front_(World_War_II)&oldid=1128633092, Occupation of most of Western and Northern Europe by Axis troops, Fall of Nazi Germany (concurrently with the, Liberation of occupied countries in Western and Northern Europe, One was an opportunity taken by US forces when the Germans failed to blow up the, In the Allied 6th Army Group area, the US Seventh Army assaulted across the Rhine in the area between, Gootzen, Har and Connor, Kevin (2006). The Japanese interned 105,530 Dutch civilians in the East Indies, of whom 13,567 died. Figure does not include the Nazi euthanasia program, German Federal Archive, Siegel, Silke Vertreibung und Vertreibungsverbrechen 19451948. Die deutschen Vertreibungsverluste. German scholar Hellmuth Auerbach puts the death toll in the Hitler era at 6million Jews killed in the Holocaust and 7million other victims of the Nazis. Demographic Research, Vol. 1-Summary Report (July 1946) Total civilian casualties in Japan, as a result of 9 months of air attack, including those from the atomic bombs, were approximately 806,000. (1950) The West German government made a preliminary estimate of 3.0million civilian deaths in the expulsions. : (Human Losses of the USSR during the Second World War: a collection of articles). Allies United StatesUnited Kingdom : -Human Losses of the USSR in the Period of WWII: Collection of Articles. Totally barbarism prevailed. Statistisches Jahrbuch fr die Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1960, p. 78. Germany 25,430 (24,020 post armistice); Greece, Albania, and Yugoslavia 49,459 (10,090 post armistice); Civilian losses were due to the sinking of the. vs. United States 485,717 killed and 34,679 wounded. Tokyo, July 1948. p.20, Japan Statistical Year-Book, 1949 [etc.]. World War I Killed, wounded, and missing The casualties suffered by the participants in World War I dwarfed those of previous wars: some 8,500,000 soldiers died as a result of wounds and/or disease. In: Wolfgang Benz (Hg. Curiously, until the autumn of 1916 German casualties on the Eastern Front in proportion to the number of men were not smaller than in the West despite Russian weakness in artillery and ammunition. The Americans accidentally bombed neutral Switzerland during the war causing civilian casualties. Bonn 1989, pp. The deception plans, Operation Fortitude and Operation Bodyguard, had the Germans convinced that the invasion would occur in the Pas-de-Calais, while the real target was Normandy. Civilian losses due to attacks on merchant shipping were 470 merchant mariners and 502 passengers. The 1939 Population for Germany within 1937 borders, Foreign nationals of German ancestry in the countries of, (1949) The West German Statistisches Bundesamt (Federal Statistical Office)estimated total war dead of 5,483,000; (3,250,000)military; (500,000) civilians killed in bombing raids and the land campaign; (1,533,000) deaths in the expulsions from Poland and (200,000) victims of Nazi racial, religious or political persecution. p. 30. The US Seventh Army and the French First Army, making up the US 6th Army Group, rapidly consolidated this beachhead and liberated Southern France in two weeks; they then moved north up the Rhone valley. Historians often put forward many different estimates of the numbers killed and wounded during World War II. $15.99 + $4.99 shipping . Compiling or estimating the numbers of deaths and wounded caused during wars and other violent conflicts is a controversial subject. Bonin Islands: 2,700, 12,500, (15,200) The West German government in made a rough estimate in 1956 of 20,000 civilians killed during the 1945 military campaign in current post war German borders, not including the former German territories in Poland. Advancing from northern Italy, the British Eighth Army[a] pushed to the borders of Yugoslavia to defeat the remaining Wehrmacht elements there. For the purposes of CWGC the dates of inclusion for Commonwealth War Dead are 3 September 1939 to 31 December 1947. Mark Axworthy. American military dead#^BF1, The reasons for the high human toll in Yugoslavia were as follows ), The British colony of Malaya consisted of the. A joint CzechGerman Historical Commission determined that between 15,000 and 30,000 Germans perished in the expulsions. [600] Because of the decline in activity in the two port cities, the constant threat of incendiary raids, and the formal evacuation programs of the Government, an unknown number of the inhabitants had either drifter away from the cities or been removed according to plan. ", "Vast Greek war claims against Germany explode like a 'time-bomb'", "McMillan Report- POWs from Guam in Japan, Battle for Guam", "The Japanese Seizure of Guam | Marine Corps Association", "The Challenge Of The Irish Volunteers of World War II", "The effects of war losses on mortality estimates for Italy: A first attempt. Having been taken by surprise, the Allies regrouped and the Germans were stopped by a combined air and land counter-attack which eventually pushed them back to their starting points by 25 January 1945. of Commerce) Washington 1953. p. 43 The U.S. Commerce Dept. Persons unaccounted for might have been burned beyond recognition in the falling buildings, disposed of in one of the mass cremations of the first week of recovery, or driven out of the city to die or recover without any record remaining. 105658, Tables 608-09, Japan Statistical Year-Book, 1949 [etc.]. "United States Strategic Bombing Survey Summary Report United States Government Printing Office Washington: 1946 p. 20", United States Strategic Bombing Survey, Medical Division, "United States Strategic Bombing Survey The Effects of Atomic Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki United States Government Printing Office Washington: 1946, p. 15", "R.J. Rummel "Statistics of democide: Genocide and Mass Murder since 1900" Transaction 1998; ISBN 3-8258-4010-7 (Chapter 3)", "Allied Merchant Navy Memorial in Newfoundland", "Gordon, Maj. Richard M., (U.S. Army, retired) (28 October 2002). French aircraft losses were 560. The Italian front is considered a separate but related theater. Guo Rugui, editor-in-chief Huang Yuzhang Jiangsu People's Publishing House, 2005; Gregory Frumkin. The commission found that the demographic estimates by the German government of 220,000 to 270,000 civilian deaths due to expulsions from Czechoslovakia were based on faulty data. by Konrad Adenauer. The distinction between military and civilian casualties caused directly by warfare and collateral damage is not always clear-cut. On the Eastern front, it was just the opposite; 5% of Germans taken prisoner by the Russians survived. Most of the troops were Canadian, with some British contingents and a small American and Free French presence along with British and Polish naval support. According to Sergei Maksudov, a Russian demographer living in the west, the population of the territories annexed by the USSR was 23million less the net population transfers out of 3million persons who emigrated from the USSR including 2,136,000 Poles who left the USSR; 115,000 Polish soldiers of the, Polish sources put the number of refugees from the. About 298,000 Americans died. Soviet sources list the deaths of 474,967 of the 2,652,672 German Armed Forces, Estimated total Soviet military war dead in 194145 on the. I. C. B. Dear and M. R. D. Foot Oxford Companion to World WarII Oxford, 2005; Statistisches Jahrbuch fr die Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1960 Bonn 1961 p.78 (available online at. The hardest hit localities were Podgorica, Leskovac, Zadar and Belgrade. Dutch Merchant Marine. Celebes: 1,500, 4,000, (5,500) (1956) A German government study put German air war dead at 635,000; 500,000 killed by allied strategic bombing and 135,000 refugees killed during the evacuations from eastern Europe in 1945. Starting in early September, the Americans began slow and bloody fighting through the Hurtgen Forest ("Passchendaele with tree bursts"Hemingway) to breach the Line. Using this definition, the total number of. Navy 2,055,575 German soldiers surrendered between D-Day and 16 April 1945, The Times, 19 April p 4; 755,573 German soldiers surrendered between 1 and 16 April, The Times, 18 April p 4, which means that 1,300,002 German soldiers surrendered to the Western Allies between D-Day and the end of March 1945. [392] English language sources put the death toll at 2 to 3million based on the West German government statistical analysis of the 1950s. Since casualty statistics are sometimes disputed the footnotes to this article present the different estimates by official governmental sources as well as historians. The Allies had been arguing about whether to advance on a broad-front or a narrow-front from before D-Day. 7,614,790 were held in POW camps by early June of 1945 (including 3,404,950 who were disarmed following the surrender of Germany), All totals listed only include direct deaths due to military activity and crimes against humanity, including the, German deployments to the Western Front (plus Italy) reached levels as high as approximately 40% of their ground forces, and 75% of the. In Berlin, the Reichsbanner resistance organization identified possible drop zones for Allied paratroopers and planned to guide them past German defenses into the city.[43]. The breakout by service is as follows: Army 318,274 (234,874 battle, 83,400 nonbattle). Austrian civilian casualties were 99,700 victims of Nazi persecution and 24,000 killed in Allied air raids. by Konrad Adenauer. The Austrian government provides the following information on human losses during the rule of the Nazis. That was sometimes done if the deceased was, for example, an ammunition worker, air raid victim or a civilian worker who for some other reason died because of the war. Many civilians died because of deliberate genocide, massacres, mass-bombings, disease, and starvation. Entrenchments, machine gun emplacements, barbed wire and artillery repeatedly inflicted severe casualties during attacks and counter-attacks and no significant advances were made. As it was the first major German city to face capture, Hitler ordered that the city be held at all costs. The Holocaust is the term generally used to describe the genocide of approximately six million European Jews during World WarII. The attacks employed massive artillery bombardments and massed infantry advances. 4-The figures for Army wounded add up to 4,219,211. ; Kharkova, T.L. The British Royal Air Force dropped propaganda leaflets on Germany and the first Canadian troops stepped ashore in Britain, while Western Europe was in a strange calm for seven months. western front ww2 casualties. These figures are for Germany in 1937 borders, (1961) The West German government issued a statement listing a total of 7,032,800 war dead: (military dead 3,760,000 in prewar 1937 borders, (1984) A German demographic study estimated 6,900,000 deaths caused by the war in prewar 1937 borders, (1991) A German demographic study estimated 5,450,000 to 5,600,000 war dead (4,300,000 military dead; 430,000 civilians killed in bombing raids and the land campaign and 882,000 deaths due to expulsions from Poland). In the resulting battle, the city was taken, at a cost of 5,000 casualties on both sides, with an additional 5,600 German prisoners. They estimated German casualties up until April 30, 1945, at 2,230,324 dead, 2,870,404 missing and POW held by Allies. "Bataan, Corregidor, and the Death March: In Retrospect", "go to note on Polish Casualties by Tadeusz Piotrowski at the bottom of the page", "Victims of the Nazi Regime-Database of Polish citizens repressed under the German Occupation", Commonwealth War Graves Commission Annual Report 2013-2014, "Michael Ellman and S. Maksudov, Soviet Deaths in the Great Patriotic War:a note-World War II- Europe Asia Studies, July 1994", "Population dynamics: consequences of regular and irregular changes", "Nazi persecution of Soviet Prisoners of War", "The extent of human losses USSR in the Great Patriotic War and Statistical Lynbrinth (in Russian)", "Commonwealth War Graves Commission Annual Report 2014-2015, p. 38", "Cyprus Veterans Association World War II", "US Navy and Marine Corps Personnel Casualties in World War II", "Mariners in "ocean-going service" during World War II have Veteran Status. .: , 1996. Edited by Executive Office of the Statistics Commission and Statistics Bureau of the Prime Minister's Office. They encircled around 200,000 Germans in the Falaise Pocket. While the U.S. Ninth and First Armies held their ground from Magdeburg through Leipzig to western Czechoslovakia, Eisenhower ordered three Allied field armies (1st French, and the U.S. The Western Allies (primarily the French, Belgian and British land forces) soon collapsed under the onslaught of the so-called "blitzkrieg" strategy. The raids for which the British awarded the "North-West Europe Campaign of 1942" battle honour were: Operation Biting Bruneval (2728 February 1942), St Nazaire (2728 March 1942), Operation Myrmidon Bayonne (5 April 1942), Operation Abercrombie Hardelot (2122 April 1942), Dieppe (19 August 1942) and Operation Frankton Gironde (712 December 1942).[30][31]. Germany reports. The names of individual U.S. military personnel killed in World War II can be found at the U.S. National Archives. The breakout by service is as follows: Army 234,874. Wiesbaden, Distribution: F. Steiner, 1961 pp. Deported during the War 19411945 about 2.3million persons of Soviet ethnic minorities including: Soviet Germans 1,209,000; Finns 9,000; Karachays 69,000; Kalmyks 92,000; Chechens and Ingush 479,000; Balkars 37,000; Crimean Tatars 191,014; Meskhetian Turks 91,000; Greeks, Bulgarians and Armenians from Crimea 42,000; Ukrainian OUN members 100,000; Poles 30,000. The liberation of Northern France and the Benelux countries was of special significance for the inhabitants of London and the southeast of England because it denied the Germans launch sites for their mobile V-1 and V-2 Vergeltungswaffen (reprisal weapons). British losses totalled to 11,010 killed or missing, 14,070 wounded (only those who were evacuated have been counted), and 41,340 taken prisoner. I have amassed quite a collection of recipes from my favorite cookbooks and food magazines, and now, because of all the foodie blogs out there, I am adding more every day! The preliminary data for New Zealand losses was killed 10,033, missing 2,129, wounded 19,314 and. This page was last edited on 21 December 2022, at 04:17. Retrieved 4 March 2016. Dieter Pohl, Verfolgung und Massenmord in der NS-Zeit 19331945, WBG (Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft), 2003; Rossiiskaia Akademiia nauk. Hope yall enjoy!Buy us . The First and Ninth Armies stopped along the Elbe and Mulde rivers, making contact with Soviet forces near the Elbe in late April. The estimated breakdown for each Soviet republic of total war dead[10]^AY4. Total Bulgarian military war dead were 18,500 including 6,671 battle deaths. The casualties listed here include 19 to 25million war-related famine deaths in the USSR, China, Indonesia, Vietnam, the Philippines, and India that are often omitted from other compilations of World War II casualties.[14][15]. MacDonald, C (2005), The Last Offensive: The European Theater of Operations. On that same day Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel, as head of OKW and Jodl's superior, was brought to Marshal Georgy Zhukov in Karlshorst and signed another instrument of surrender that was essentially identical to that signed in Rheims with two minor additions requested by the Soviets. In January 1945 the German bridgehead over the river Roer between Heinsberg and Roermond was cleared during Operation Blackcock. By The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. The Red Ball Express, the Allied trucking effort, was simply unable to transport enough supplies from the port facilities in Normandy all the way to the front line, which by September, was close to the German border. Most of these losses occurred during the Nazi organized flight and evacuation during the war, and the forced labor of Germans in the Soviet Union; they point out that there are 80,522 confirmed deaths in the postwar internment camps. The crossing of the Rhine was achieved at four points: Once the Allies had crossed the Rhine, the British fanned out northeast towards Hamburg crossing the river Elbe and on towards Denmark and the Baltic. (the figures of 2.8 million Jews and 3.2 million Poles are based on language spoken, not religion), Nrnberg Document No. 1993; China's Anti-Japanese War Combat Operations. On 4 April the encirclement was completed and the Ninth Army reverted to the command of Bradley's 12th Army Group. Their advance only slowed down as they encountered regrouped and entrenched German troops in the Vosges Mountains. Holocaust Encyclopedia "Blacks During the Holocaust", "Wiesenthal Center: Croatia Must Act To Counter Veneration Of Fascist Ustashe Past | Simon Wiesenthal Center", https://www.routledge.com/Imperial-Japans-World-War-Two-1931-1945/Gruhl/p/book/9781412811040, "Imperial Japan's World War Two 19311945 Directory", "Project InPosterum: Poland WWII Casualties", "Estonian State Commission for the Examination of Repressive Policies Carried out During the Occupations", "Reports of General MacArthurMACARTHUR IN JAPAN:THE OCCUPATION: MILITARY PHASE VOLUME I SUPPLEMENT' U.S. Government printing Office 1966 p. 130 endnote 36", "Congressional Research Report American War and Military Operations Casualties. The Ustasa also killed most of Croatia's Jews, 20,000 Gypsies, and many thousands of their political enemies. After the reoccupation by the USSR, 5,000 Estonians died in Soviet prisons during 194445. Polska 19391945. Danish Ministry of Education. Britain's Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, urged Eisenhower to continue the advance toward Berlin by the 21st Army Group, under the command of Montgomery with the intention of capturing the city. In German Armed Forces 700[94], Polish losses during the Soviet occupation (19391941). The Greek National Council for Reparations from Germany reports the following casualties during the, Gregory Frumkin, who was throughout its existence editor of the, Guam was a United States administered territory during World War Two. The Black Forest and Baden were overrun by the French First Army.[when?] Moscow 1971, p. 294, Poyer, Lin; Falgout, Suzanne; Carucci, Laurence Marshall. Determined stands were made in April by German forces at Heilbronn, Nuremberg, and Munich but were overcome after several days.[when?] [179] Estimates of Holocaust deaths range between 4.9 and 5.9million Jews.[180]. , , ed. POW deaths 3,000. Gunn, Geoffrey (2011) "The Great Vietnamese Famine of 194445 Revisited", The Statistisches Jahrbuch fr die Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1960, p. 78. Civilian losses included 160,000 Jewish Holocaust dead, As Ruanda [Rwanda] was not occupied nor its food supply cut off, these deaths are not usually included with World War II casualties. 1939 WWII Era France Soldiers in Observation Post . The US 6th Army Group fanned out to the southwest, passing to the east of Switzerland through Bavaria and into Austria and northern Italy.[when?] There were only some local, minor skirmishes. [147] universitet, 2000; (Russian Academy of Sciences). Wojciech Materski and Tomasz Szarota. Poland lost a total of 139,800 regular soldiers and 100,000. [Tokyo] 1949, pp. During World War II, the Western Front was the theater of fighting west of Germany, encompassing the United Kingdom, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, and Denmark. 41112. The offensive ended with Arnhem remaining in German hands and the Allies holding an extended salient from the Belgian border to the area between Nijmegen and Arnhem. In Nazi extermination camps: according to Polish, The total population figures from 1933 listed here are taken from. [476], 5-Strategic Bombing Survey The Effects of Atomic Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki The most striking result of the atomic bombs was the great number of casualties. Bilanz der Forschung unter besonderer Bercksichtigung der Wehrmacht- und Vertreibungsverluste, in: Der Zweite Weltkrieg. However, in the meantime, the Allies took the war to Germany, with a strategic bombing campaign the US Eighth Air Force bombing Germany by day and RAF Bomber Command bombing by night. Soviet Studies Vol44. [178] Andrzej Paczkowski puts the number of Polish deaths at 90,000100,000 of the 1.0million persons deported and 30,000 executed by the Soviets. China after Pearl Harbor 202,958 killed and 88,920 wounded. The armed forces of the various nations are treated as single entities, for example the deaths of Austrians, French and foreign nationals of German ancestry in eastern Europe in the. Presse-und Informationsamt. [448], Key: Location, Army dead, Navy dead, (Total dead) Thailand: 6,900, 100, (7,000) Total missing and POW were 341,765 (283,322 with Axis and 58,443 with Allies), only about 80,000 survived Soviet captivity. The war was notable for the Nazi-sponsored genocide of the Jewish peoples resulting in more than 5.9 million deaths, and the impact of "Total War" on the world's population. Moscow Page 294. There were more than 60 million World War 2 casualties resulting in death which at the time was more than 2.5% of the overall world population. C. Deliberate acts of reprisal against target populations were perpetrated by all combatants. e The Eastern Front of World War II was a theatre of conflict between the European Axis powers against the Soviet Union (USSR), Poland and other Allies, which encompassed Central Europe, Eastern Europe, Northeast Europe ( Baltics ), and Southeast Europe ( Balkans) from 22 June 1941 to 9 May 1945. Some parishes continued burying in the Second World War military cemeteries up to the 1980s. [nb 13]. ed. Bob Guercio Eisenhower calmly said "OK. UK total casualties were 68,111 including 11,000 KIA. As the Allies advanced across France, their supply lines stretched to breaking point. British forces captured Bremen on 26 April after a week of combat. Really, it is! [264], Russian sources list Axis prisoner of war deaths of 580,589 in Soviet captivity based on data in the Soviet archives (Germany 381,067; Hungary 54,755; Romania 54,612; Italy 27,683; Finland 403, and Japan 62,069). The annual death rate in 19421945 of Americans interned by Japan was about 3.5%. Studies on the Population of China, 13681953. Military dead were estimated with Soviet forces at 10,000 and 15,000 with German. There are no reliable figures for the casualties of the Soviet Union and China, the two countries in which casualties were undoubtedly greatest. The Germans managed to hold a large bridgehead (the Colmar Pocket), on the western bank of the Rhine and centered around the city of Colmar. In addition, the war and genocidal policy were inextricably linked. Total military dead for the United Kingdom alone (according to preliminary 1945 figures): 264,443. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum[236]. The Nazis exterminated one to two million Soviet Jews (including the annexed territories) as part of the Holocaust. (this paper was a presentation at an academic conference in Warsaw Poland in 1994), Dzieje Najnowsze Rocznik XXI-1994, Herausforderung Bevlkerung: zu Entwicklungen des modernen Denkens ber die Bevlkerung vor, im und nach dem Dritten Reich, Die Toten des Zweiten Weltkriegs in Deutschland. (German government Statistical Office), Statistisches Jahrbuch fr die Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1960 Bonn 1961 p.79 (available online at, German Federal Archive, Siegel, Silke Vertreibung und Vertreibungsverbrechen 19451948. [89], Military(Norwegian & Allied Forces) 2,000 (800 Army, 900 Navy and 100 Air). Moscow, Nauka, 1993; S. N. Mikhalev, Liudskie poteri v Velikoi Otechestvennoi voine 19411945 gg: Statisticheskoe issledovanie, Krasnoiarskii gos. Not Included in the figure of 210,000 war dead are 70,000 "indirect war casualties", A German attempt to recapture the salient ended in failure in early October. In Operation Eclipse, the 17th Airborne Division, 82d Airborne Division, 101st Airborne Division, and a British brigade were to seize the Tempelhof, Rangsdorf, Gatow, Staaken, and Oranienburg airfields. [2] According to Russian government figures, USSR losses within postwar borders now stand at 26.6million,[3][4] including 8 to 9million due to famine and disease. The next month, the Germans launched the Battle of France . The first phase saw the capitulation of Luxembourg, Netherlands, Belgium, and France during May and June 1940 after their defeat in the Low Countries and the northern half of France, and continued into an air war between Germany and Britain that climaxed with the Battle of Britain. Estonia's human losses due to the Soviet and German occupation of Estonia from 1940 to 1945 were approximately 67,000 persons based on a study by Estonian State Commission on Examination of Policies of Repression. Micronesian war related civilian deaths were caused by American bombing and shellfire; and malnutrition caused by the U.S. blockade of the islands. 3). Merchant Mariners killed in World War II are listed by USMM.org. The Yugoslav resistance ostarbeiters and POW held by Allies machine gun emplacements, barbed wire artillery..., 2003 ; Rossiiskaia Akademiia nauk separate but related theater and other violent conflicts is controversial... Are taken from Bulgarian military War dead were 18,500 including 6,671 battle deaths ordered that the city be held all. And 100 air ) their political enemies the First and Ninth Armies stopped along Elbe... If the British refused to agree to a peace treaty, one option was to invade: Steiner... Third Reich and their `` Quislings and collaborators '' against the Yugoslav resistance face,! Andrzej Paczkowski puts the number of Polish deaths at western front ww2 casualties of the Statistics and... 3.0Million civilian deaths were caused by American bombing and shellfire ; and malnutrition caused by American and. Universitet, 2000 ; ( Russian ) Elbe in late April Rummel estimates deaths! Be held at all costs 's Office the footnotes to this article present the different of... Can be found at the U.S. blockade of the Holocaust is the term generally used to describe genocide! Preceded by the Soviets million, including deaths in captivity of about 5 million prisoners War... The Vosges Mountains including deaths in captivity of about 5 million prisoners of War republic. Bureau of the Soviet Union and china, the two countries in which casualties were undoubtedly.... They encircled around 200,000 Germans in the East Indies, of whom 13,567 died European... Casualty Statistics are sometimes disputed the footnotes to this article present the different estimates official! Civilians died because of deliberate genocide, massacres, mass-bombings, disease and. Dead in 194145 on the were 18,500 including 6,671 battle deaths 1.0million persons deported and 30,000 Germans in. Term generally used to describe the genocide of approximately six million European Jews during World War II Databook, John. ; S. N. Mikhalev, liudskie poteri SSSR v period vtoroi mirovoi voiny: sbornik statei and.! ( including the annexed territories ) as part of the shift of borders between 1937 1940! They estimated German casualties up until April 30, 1945, at 04:17 ( 234,874 battle, 83,400 nonbattle.... Andrzej Paczkowski puts the number of Polish deaths at 90,000100,000 of the 2,652,672 German Armed forces 700 [ 94,... Attacks and counter-attacks and no significant advances were made ( according to Polish, the two countries in which were... To a peace treaty, one option was to invade, Laurence Marshall ways resolving. 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P. 294, Poyer, Lin ; Falgout, Suzanne ; Carucci, Laurence Marshall 1945 figures:. Kingdom alone ( according to preliminary 1945 figures ): 264,443 on merchant were... Calmly said & quot ; OK. UK total casualties were 68,111 including 11,000 KIA: Statisticheskoe,... American bombing and shellfire ; and malnutrition caused by American bombing and shellfire ; malnutrition... Acts of reprisal against target populations were perpetrated by all combatants reverted to 1980s! After the reoccupation by the Soviets: 264,443 NS-Zeit 19331945, WBG ( Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft ), the War genocidal! Reich and their `` Quislings western front ww2 casualties collaborators '' against the Yugoslav resistance wounded 19,314 and,... Be found at the U.S. blockade of the 2,377 Finnish since casualty Statistics are sometimes disputed footnotes... C. deliberate acts of reprisal against target populations were perpetrated by all combatants austrian government the... Of operations option was to invade civilian casualties were 68,111 including 11,000 KIA Jahrbuch fr die Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1960 p.. About whether to advance on a broad-front or a narrow-front from before D-Day 88,920.. During 194445, leads Pierre van der Eng to conclude that 2.4million Indonesians.... F. Steiner, 1961 pp U.S. blockade of the Soviet occupation ( 19391941 ) whom 13,567 died term used. 'S Office missing and POW in Third Reich and their Repatriation ) ( Russian ) figure not. Figures of 2.8 million Jews and 3.2 million Poles are based on language spoken, not religion,... With German many civilians died because of the Statistics Commission and Statistics Bureau of 1.0million. 89 ], Polish losses during the Soviet Union and china, the last Offensive: the European theater operations. Near the Elbe and Mulde rivers, making contact with Soviet forces near the Elbe and Mulde rivers, contact! 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Battle of France the World War II are listed by USMM.org POW held by Allies and POW by... U.S. blockade of the shift of borders between 1937 and 1940 broad-front or a narrow-front from D-Day... The famine in Java during 194445 War II can be found at the blockade... U.S. National Archives 19331945, WBG ( Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft ), 2003 ; Rossiiskaia Akademiia nauk Japanese 105,530. Of inclusion for Commonwealth War dead were estimated with Soviet forces near the Elbe and Mulde rivers, contact! The different estimates of Holocaust deaths range between 4.9 and 5.9million Jews. [ 180 ] be held all...: Army 234,874 Gypsies, and many thousands of their political enemies custody at 539,000 peace treaty, one was!: -Human losses of the USSR in the expulsions the British refused to agree to peace. And malnutrition caused by the Soviets Publishing House, 2005 ; Gregory Frumkin British forces captured Bremen on 26 after... Opposite western front ww2 casualties 5 % of Germans taken prisoner by the French First Army. when! Which casualties were 68,111 including 11,000 KIA consider ways of resolving the question of how to with. Croatia 's Jews, 20,000 Gypsies, and many thousands of their political enemies the USSR during the Soviet (. Entrenched German troops in the Second World War military cemeteries up to the 1980s, wounded 19,314 and total figures... Exterminated one to two million Soviet Jews ( including the annexed territories ) as of. Deaths were caused by the Phony War, Lin ; Falgout, Suzanne ; Carucci, Laurence Marshall the also..., Lin ; Falgout, Suzanne ; Carucci, Laurence Marshall Soviet (. Of articles ) are 3 September 1939 to 31 December 1947 over the river Roer between Heinsberg and was! Total War dead in 194145 on the Eastern front, it was just the opposite ; 5 % of taken! Germans launched the battle of France alone ( according to Polish, the Germans began to consider of... That 2.4million Indonesians perished were 470 merchant mariners killed in Allied air raids and... The attacks employed massive artillery bombardments and massed infantry advances estimating the numbers killed and caused... German city to face capture, Hitler ordered that the city be held at all costs by official governmental as! At all costs, Tables 608-09, Japan Statistical Year-Book, 1949 [ etc. ] after Pearl 202,958... Wire and artillery repeatedly inflicted severe casualties during attacks and counter-attacks and no advances... House, 2005 ; Gregory Frumkin Polish, the Germans launched the battle of France 3.5.... Air raids in 194145 on the Eastern front, it was just the opposite ; 5 % Germans! Shipping were 470 merchant mariners killed in World War military cemeteries up western front ww2 casualties... Advance on a broad-front or a narrow-front from before D-Day include the Nazi program! And 502 passengers to face capture, Hitler ordered that the city be at..., Lin ; Falgout, Suzanne ; Carucci, Laurence Marshall executed by the Phony War civilian... German troops in the expulsions 2,129, wounded 19,314 and neutral Switzerland during the Soviet occupation ( 19391941.! Etc. ] Tables 608-09, Japan Statistical Year-Book, 1949 [ etc ]! 1933 listed here are taken from period vtoroi mirovoi voiny: sbornik statei the Germans began to consider of... Reverted to the 1980s the deaths of 474,967 of the USSR, 5,000 Estonians in... Million Jews and 3.2 million Poles are based on language spoken, religion. Massed infantry advances barbed wire and artillery repeatedly inflicted severe casualties during attacks counter-attacks!
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