To provide hypothetical vignettes based on ethical/legal dilemmas in my own practice. To provide hypothetical vignettes based on ethical/legal dilemmas in my own practice. Dr. Faye Miller receives a referral for a 35-year-old female, Betty Drapier, who is feeling depressed and experiencing marital problems. We use cookies to distinguish you from other users and to provide you with a better experience on our websites. 2. Dr. Smith decided to review the report. by Judith E. Horowitz, Joann Paley Galst. Step 2: Reach out to the ACA. Mr. Tellanyone had been caring for her and his father in his home for 6 years prior to her death. And, Dr. Tell agreed to determine whether or not reporting this information would put her clients confidentiality at risk. Additionally, none of the treatment issues had to do with impulse control or antisocial tendencies. Making sure that confidentiality is at the top of the list and that my ethics are always at the forefront of my decision making. Need a custom essay sample written specially to meet your It may rather be a sign that one is fully engaged in the life of a community. What are the potential ethical issues with this case? There were contentious issues dealing with the custody arrangements of the children. These two guides offer the same basic principles for ethical counselling. Mr. Biggy indicates that he wants to talk more about his feelings. The following email catches your attention. Through a series of thoughtfully analyzed case vignettes, readers will learn a template that can help them . By Mrs. Drapiers report, he appears more stressed because of his job and is drinking alcohol more frequently. Render date: 2023-01-18T11:42:32.645Z Making sure that no one is taking advantage of and everyone is protected by the law. This nine-step, school-specific method involves: 1. Dr. Smith also wondered if it was appropriate to bill Mrs. Simpson for his time in reviewing the report. Case Studies in Multicultural Counseling and Therapy: 9781118487556: Sue, Derald Wing, Gallardo, Miguel E., Neville, . Plenty lives and practices psychotherapy in a rural area. He drives the car to a local dealer who indicated that the Explorer is worth about $3,500. They agreed to meet weekly for the first four months of psychotherapy, and then they agreed to meet twice per month. The EAP service provides a solution-focused, three-session benefit for companies within Virginia. The patient admitted herself to the unit, with some persuasion by the local police, for making loud threats and menacing gestures in her neighbors driveway. Step 3: Consider ending the relationship with the client involved in the ethical dilemma. Professional Boundaries Brenna E. LaLonde School of Behavioral Sciences: Liberty University. The therapy focused on depression and anxiety related to work-related issues, interpersonal limitations, and relationship difficulties. Simultaneously, the religious institution is adamant about this requirement. A substance abuse counselor supports individuals to overpower those feelings and emotions that trigger drug and/or alcohol abuse. Counselors may or may not know how to counsel people of different race, ethnicity, gender, sexual identity socioeconomic status, disability, age or spirituality. As the session winds down, Mr. Drapier spontaneously asks for a second opinion about his treatment with Dr. Cooper. What clinical concerns arise for you in this scenario? She has been doing much of the case management work, e.g. Here are some of the main areas that can bring up ethical and legal issues in counseling. Among other things, the report contained a psychological evaluation of the patient. Can the psychologist contact Child Protective Services anonymously, provided that the client supply the name and address of the uncle. a variety of upgrades, the web developer/consultant suggests that he add a testimonial page where former patients describe their positive experiences in therapy. She stopped therapy because her insurance changed and Dr. Jordan was not an in-network provider. New Therapist, 58, 18-26. In Section B.1.c counselor has to respect the rights of all clients to confidentiality and cannot share the information without client consent or without legal or ethical justification. Dr. Smith is a therapist who has worked with a young woman for about 9 months. 3. Feeling guilty, the therapist calls you on the phone to discuss his feelings and any possible ethical concerns. The patient has never met the attorney face-to-face, only by email and phone contacts. She recently received an offer to become a sales representative for a pharmaceutical company. Total loading time: 0.362 Chuck hesitated to have a face-to-face interview at the practice, but agreed only if he can talk with Sue. They start spending more time together. What are the ethical issues, if any, involved in this case? She stated that Dr. Jordan recommended that she write down her memories. Currently, the patient is denying the fact that she has made past threats toward her neighbor. Also during the course of the phone contact, Chuck expresses some homicidal rage toward his parents, particularly around financial issues and early childhood sexual abuse from his father. The lawyerpatient comments that this seems low. Dr. Bishop calls you for a consult about this situation. What problems may occur as a function of Dr. What are some possible suggestions for Dr. Jordan? Throughout my ethical courses and training, both 12 years ago in my Masters Degree, as well as subsequent conferences and workshops over the years, I have been able to create an ethical, foundational way of thinking and being as a mental health practitioner. He thinks that she is young and impressionable. Dr. Tell focused the client on her dilemma as well as the relationship issues with her boyfriend. The treating therapist believes the options are: What are the possible emotional reactions to this situation? The patient was in therapy for approximately one year. What concrete steps might be important before calling the physician back? defining goals, c). Dan asked a number of faculty members to be the faculty advisor of this group. Operating those services in a LGBQT center will convey intersecting situations. He confides that he would like to have an affair with her. All rights reserved. School counsellors often encounter ethically challenging situations due to contradictory values and roles. Informed consent. As the session progressed, he revealed that the source of his depression was the death of his mother one year ago. The therapist phones the attorney and discovers that Mr. Palmer left him a 1993 fourwheel drive Ford Explorer. Mr. Tellanyone is feeling quite guilty about his mother. Mr. DiMencha demonstrates a variety of cognitive deficits. What suggestions or recommendations would you offer to the therapist? I will explain why confidentiality is . Our innovative products and services for learners, authors and customers are based on world-class research and are relevant, exciting and inspiring. Does the therapist who hears this information have any legal obligations? requirements? However, after the session, the therapist feels uneasy about what his patient revealed. It is important to maintain healthy boundaries to . Ethical dilemmas At stake here are several conflicting values, the concern for a fellow human being, self-preservation, success of the company and the pressure to perform. Sue schedules the appointment for early in the evening. School Law for counselors, psychologists, and social workers . Feature Flags: { An academically and socially struggling 11-year-old female student, Irina, comes to speak with the school counselor, Mrs. Dr. Ron Popeil, a local therapist, is upgrading his web site. possible consequences, e). As a result, this article, written in a quiz format, offers suggestions for handling ethical . It was revealed that counsellors prioritise the students' benefit and respect students' privacy. On that card, there will be information that explains the importance of completing this assessment, the cost, and that a licensed therapist will review the results and contact the patient by phone within 3 to 5 business days. How easy or how difficult would it be to take those steps? This has caused both his physical and For example, the first vignette, which Products and services. While the treatment team does not share Dr. Solomons concern and has started to make discharge plans, they have not spent as much individual time with the patient as Dr. Solomon. What are some of the potential ethical pitfalls in this scenario? After six sessions, Mr. DiMencha suffered a significant concussion while at work. Registration number: 419361 . (1998). During the current session, the confides that he has made a new female friend. Zur, O. ethical issues can be further complicated by the fact that legal, ethical, and school policy issues often conflict (Stone & Zirkel, 2010) and few resources exist to aid school counselors in making adequate ethical decisions (Remley & Herlihy, 2007). They have dinner as couples several times per year. The former patient is asking for the therapist to be a character witness as he has an upcoming hearing for a minor criminal offense. She is struggling that the situation is not right and feels very uneasy about the arrangement that the lawyer-patient foisted upon her. Looking through his files, the therapist cannot find his file, so it must have been more than five or six years ago. The therapist seeks to reassure the patient that he, the therapist, knows Mr. Biggy on a personal basis and that he is a really a good guy that seems bright, friendly, and fair. Continuing Education & Ethical Resources For Mental Health Professionals. This paper studies what the definition of boundaries and investigates how it might be a difficult/challenging issue for you or the counsellor/therapist. The test usually takes approximately 40 to 60 minutes to administer. Dr. Smith asked if he needed to inform the patient of his impressions of the report and the seemingly erroneous conclusions. The North Carolina Board of Licensed Professional Counselor (NCBLPC) States that, Protecting the confidentiality of clients information is a key component of the counseling professions Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice. His mother had suffered from a combination of severe respiratory problems and Alzheimers. What, if anything, should the therapist do? Plenty acting beyond the limits of her competency? He struggles with understanding concepts and his conversation becomes tangential during the next two sessions. The Center maintains responsibility for this program and its content. How would you feel if you were the consultant? Plenty had Mr. DiMencha sign a release giving consent for him to talk with the attorney as well as Janet. Considering the setting, parental rights and minor's rights. White Plains, NY: Longman. Dr. Bishop feels uneasy about this situation, as homosexuality has not been considered a mental illness since the 1970s. Choose skilled expert on your subject and get original paper with free plagiarism This chapter outlines the most common ethical dilemmas that occur in the practice of this modality and provides suggestions for a decision-making process by which the therapist can achieve successful, ethically defensible solutions to emerging problems. In this case study we will find some ethical dilemmas that usually are encountered by counselors and supervisors (Sederer L, 2013). He does not view it as a therapy group. to help you write a unique paper. Counsellors have a fundamental ethical responsibility to take every reasonable precaution to respect and to . In fact, the patient has made no such comments to anyone else other than to Dr. Solomon and has been a model patient on the unit. What are Dr. Millers potential ethical issues in this situation? It was revealed that counsellors prioritise the students benefit and respect students privacy. They see her regularly for informal family events and do holidays together with their adult children and grandchildren. possible courses of action, d). He recalled that he was an older person with significant depression who eventually became better. The video presentation made me look at the types of decisions that have to be made and the thought process of making these decisions. His father has declined rapidly since the death of his wife and now requires total care. An exploratory survey of school counsellors in the UK, their perceptions of confidentiality, information sharing and risk management, British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, Bir ilkretim okulu psikolojik danma ve rehberlik servisine yaplan bavurularn incelenmesi [An analysis of cases admitted to an elementary school guidance and counseling service during a period of four years], Teachers perceptions toward school counselors in selected private schools in Lebanon, Qualitative research: Introducing focus groups, Child abuse and neglect: A practical guide for professional school counselors, Social-cognitive development, ethical and legal knowledge, and ethical decision making of counselor education students, Can a parent do too much for their child? Dr. Lilith Crane, a therapist in the counseling center of a small rural campus, calls you on the phone for a consultation. During the course of their work, he discussed . Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. He feels stuck between being faithful to the patient and her needs without crossing a boundary as a treating psychologist. Ethics Rounds Multiple relationships: A vignette Finding oneself in a multiple relationship is not necessarily a sign that one has engaged in unethical behavior. 2 Print version: page 62 6 min read (2016, Apr 28). 3) Refer to the NCS Code of Ethics - note what values may be/are in conflict? If you have further questions, feel free to contact me. Dr. Goodfriend is unclear whether Buddy is serious or joking. 1780 Words. After a patient completes the assessment, an email will be sent to you (based on the security code) and the patient within 24 hours, providing a secure link to review the results of the PASS-2. EMAIL. After her 6 weeks of training, the company assigns her to a regional director that the therapist knows personally. Dr. Tamika Hibbert Nov. 29, 2020. How would you advise Dr. Thomas to handle them? By continuing well Just talk to our smart assistant Amy and she'll connect you with the best This essay was written by a fellow student. The therapist is involved in a busy practice, specializes in treating eating disorders, and receives only occasional referrals from this physician. Should Dr. Goodfriend call Buddy and offer a few referrals? Registered address: Louki Akrita, 23 Bellapais Court, Flat/Office 46 1100, Nicosia, Cyprus What are some of the suggestions that you may have for the therapist about accepting or declining the referral? He also indicated that the relationship is taking on a more serious tone. She went on to detail how her boyfriend described how his uncle was involved in collecting and distributing child pornography but remained faithful to his aunt. } What are potential ethical issues with this invitation? The treating therapist is questioning what to do. A therapist is treating a client who is involved in a legal proceeding. The therapist obtains the keys and title for the vehicle. problem identification, b). Mr. Drapier acknowledges many cognitive, behavioral, and physical symptoms of serious depression. Would your answer differ if the advanced directive was created 7 years ago or greater? She does not feel right taking a fee larger than her usual and customary rate. Copyright 2022 T. he counseling field is rich with ethical issues (American Counseling Association [ACA], 2014; Bodenhorn, 2006; Herlihy & Dufrene, 2011), so counselors have to be knowledgeable about current ethical and legal topics and attentive to their day-to-day clinical work. Buddy also shares that he has been short tempered with his wife and kids. implementation, and f). Medical personnel never questioned the death as the woman had been quite sick and It was only a matter of time.. He complains loudly about his parents and his girlfriend. COSC 501: Professional, Ethical & Legal Issues in School Counseling. She began to provide psychotherapy to Mr. DiMencha, a 52-year-old, who suffered with depression. The common ethical dilemmas experienced in all institutions were found out as "limitations to privacy", "entering into multiple relations", and "transfer of competences and values". However, he researches the APA Ethics Code and believes that he may be acting inappropriately. Ethical Vignette: Whose Records? Bartering in psychotherapy & counseling: Complexities, case studies and guidelines. As the conversation continues, the therapist is surprised to learn that the patients new friend is the ex-wife of the therapists husband. What are the ethical issues involved in this case? Dont 1 Continuing Psychology Education Inc. P.O. locating a long-time friend who is willing to help him at home, referring him to a neuropsychologist for testing, engaging in lengthy discussions with his primary care physician and neurologist, participating in multiple conversations with the attorney, and trying to find a guardian or power of attorney. COMMENTS. 3. The therapist explains the fee structure for the initial appointment as well as ongoing psychotherapy sessions. Buddy adds that he has had trouble sleeping, has stopped exercising, has little energy, and fleeting thoughts of hurting himself. These steps are: a). The therapist has not worked with the patient for about two years. He will likely need to go into an assisted living facility. evaluating the situation (Hill, 2004). assume youre on board with our, Legal Ethical & Professional Issues In Counselingg, Innuendos are that she allegedly killed her neighbors pet, but this has been unproven by the police. Pharapreising and interpretation due to major educational standards released by a particular educational institution as well as tailored to your educational institution if different; Since the web developer/consultant wants to get that page up and running, he suggests that they use some positive ratings and responses from Angies list and several other online rating sites that tell positive stories and experiences with Dr. Popeil. Applying the ASCA and ACA ethical codes and the legal issues. We have great data on the PASS-2 for reliability and validity in identifying primary care patients who can benefit from psychological services. During those calls, the conversations typically focus on careers, family members, and the whereabouts about other classmates. What are the ethical issues for this scenario? Ethical Issues in Multicultural Counseling are very prevalent today. The client presents the therapist with information about a well-known, local therapist who released confidential information about him to an attorney without a signed release or court order. He is talking with a young man, most likely his cousin. The Center for Ethical Practice (provider 1287), is approved as an ACE provider to offer social work continuing education by the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) Approved Continuing Education (ACE) program. Considering the student's chronological and developmental levels. Ethical Dilemma The counsellor is conscious of the cultural differences and avoids talking too much and attempts to refer to the husband for most of the exchange. He revealed that she had been suffering greatly and, out of compassion for her, he gave her an excess dose of her sleeping and pain pills. In order for a counselor to gain knowledge . In general, an ethical dilemma arises when a social worker must choose between two equally valid, mutually exclusive choices of action, both of which result in some sort of harm to a person or persons. If you are like most of your colleagues, you have already faced at least one ethical dilemma that required a decision and possibly some action on your part. Dr. Thomas wants him to come in immediately for a more indepth evaluation. Dr. Popeil thinks these ideas are good. The following case vignette is an example of such a circumstance: Next I looked at what ACA code of Ethics mandates that we do concerning these matters. Legal and Ethical Issues in Working with Minor in Schools Presented by Dr. Carolyn Stone, University of North Florida . Additionally, Dr. Smith believed that some of the conclusions were in error, and had little support for those opinions in the body of the report. From that positive experience, Dan wants to start a support organization for other GLBTQ students on campus. is owned and operated by Radioplus Experts Ltd Dr. Smith was treating Mrs. Simpson for depression precipitated, in part, by a separation and pending divorce. 2. Ethical issues in counseling generally fall on the therapist. Address the matter with the other therapist directly. The client indicated that she was hesitant to speak about the issue for fear of a breach of confidentiality. This course introduces students to concepts regarding ethical and legal issues encountered by licensed professional counselors and marriage and family therapists, including ethical. 1 Works Cited. The therapist cannot remember many details about the patient. What do you believe is the best course of action? When dealing with the EAP program, she thinks her title of doctor might put people off, so she announces herself as Sue when dealing with EAP clients. 1395 Words6 Pages. The cost of the online administration is $25, to be paid by the patient. However, upon his arrival in the emergency department, the medical record quotes the patient as saying, This wasnt supposed to have happened.. Even if they terminate therapy, how does the therapist cope with family gatherings since she knows significant details about her patients life? The therapist and patient discussed the type of job she was entering, because knew she might experience rejection from doctors, nurses, and other office personnel. He is also very concerned about confidentiality and wants assurances from Dr. Solomon. The days allocated for her stay by her insurance are ending in two days. An ongoing theme in therapy revolves around his sexual orientation. Management work, he appears more stressed because of his depression was the death of his wife and now total. Details about the issue for you in this case - note what values may be/are in conflict her! 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