He published his account of the battle in 1899 as "The River War: An Account of the Reconquest of the Soudan". These gunboats were of the most modern design, with screws instead of side paddles, giving Commodore Keppel a total of ten vessels. By the time the 21st reached the khor, the number of Dervishes was around 2,500. The Mahdist infantry attacked in two prongs. Omdurman was an iconic late Victorian battle. The Military Hospital, positioned near the River Nile at the northern end of the camp, was still packing up and moving its patients and equipment to the boats. The soldiers described this appearance as Christmas Tree Order. Charge of the 21st Lancers at the Battle of Omdurman on 2nd September 1898 in the Sudanese War: picture by William Barnes Wollen. Although Abd Allh remained at large with a considerable army, Kitchener was in no position to offer pursuit, as he was almost immediately embroiled in a territorial dispute with France over an abandoned Egyptian fort at Fashoda (now Kodok, South Sudan), nearly 400 miles (640 km) south of Khartoum. The brigade maintained a punishing fire. Kitchener quickly occupied Akasha, and Osman Digna, who had been leading the operation against Kassala, immediately shifted his focus to the new threat. The 21st Lancers continued in their position, on and around the Jebel Surgham to the south. While this river operation was being conducted, a force of Arab irregulars loyal to Turkish rule and commanded by a British officer, Major Stuart Wortley, moved up the east bank of the River Nile, storming the forts and villages held by the Dervishes. 1 Battery, Horse Artillery The Dervish army came on at a fast walk; the left, led by the bright green flag of Ali-Wad-Hedu, heading for the Jebel Kerreri; the centre, marching into the wide plain and the right, swarming up the ridge around the eastern end of the Jebel Surgham, led by the red flag of Sherif and carrying hundreds of apparently blank white flags, each of which was in fact embroidered with texts from the Koran. . The Sirdar gesturing during the Battle of Omdurman on 2nd September 1898 in the Sudanese War. The siege of Khartoum (also known as the battle of Khartoum or fall of Khartoum) occurred from 13 March 1884 to 26 January 1885.Sudanese Mahdist forces captured the city of Khartoum from its Egyptian garrison, thereby gaining control over the whole of Sudan.. Egypt had controlled Sudan since 1820, but had itself come under British domination in 1882. The governor-general of Sudan at the time, Mohammed Rauf Pasha, underestimated the strength of the growing Mahdist movement. Churchill states that Macdonalds soldiers began to fire wildly and that they were saved by the Lincolnshire Regiment coming up on their right, forming a line at right angles to Macdonalds line and firing in enfilade on the advancing Dervishes. MR. BRODRICK Her Majesty's Government are confident that all possible assistance was given to the wounded dervishes out of the resources at the Sirdar's command. He was awarded the DSO and promoted commander for his services in the Sudan. At around the same time disaster struck the Khalifas flotilla. British troops line up behind a zariba to defend . The British and Egyptian cavalry were placed on either flank. 12th, 13th, and 14th Sudanese Battalions (XII, XIII and XIV) From the Royal Family, Queen Victorias grandson, Prince Christian Victor and Prince Francis of Teck, the brother of the Duchess of York, later Queen Mary, joined Kitcheners staff. He arrayed his force in an arc around the village of Egeiga, close to the bank of the Nile, where a twelve gunboat flotilla waited in support,[3] facing a wide, flat plain with hills rising to the left and right. In the central plain, the division led by the white flags came down from the Jebel Surgham ridge and joined the main body advancing on the zeriba, making an attacking Dervish force of around 20,000 warriors. The troops of the Sirdars army at the Battle of Omdurman: Lyttelton was to bring his British brigade into line on the Jebel Surgham on Maxwells left. However, the cavalry were on the move before that. The battle was the first time that the Mark IV hollow point bullet, made in the arsenal in Dum Dum, was used in a major battle. As the front of the column reached the crest of the ridge, the casualties from the 21sts charge rode past, giving details of the action. They fired their rifles in the air and gave a great shout. River Nile gunboat firing in support of the Camel Corps at the Battle of Omdurman on 2nd September 1898 in the Sudanese War. Controversy over wounded Mahdist killed after the battle began soon afterwards. The Sirdar also returned to Britain for a time. The Emir was showered with honours by the grateful Khalifa. They pressed Macdonald's Sudanese brigades hard, but Wauchope's brigade with the Lincolnshire Regiment was quickly brought up and with sustained section volleys repulsed the advance. Kitchener melakukannya dalam rangka membalas dendam kematian Jenderal Gordon pada . . From there, the signals officer, from an accompanying party of Royal Engineers, heliographed to the Sirdar that the ridge was unoccupied and that a column of several thousand Dervishes could be seen making their way along the road towards Omdurman. As the attack of Yakub from behind the Jebel Surgham melted away, Macdonald moved his other battalions, the X and then the XI, to positions in the new line, to the right of the IX, until his formation was in reverse, with another inverted L formed, this time facing north; the 2nd Egyptians remaining in reserve on the left. Each battalion had a Maxim gun detachment. Controversy over the killing of the wounded after the battle began soon afterwards. First Dervish attack at the Battle of Omdurman on 2nd September 1898 in the Sudanese War: picture by Frank Dadd. The direct hand to hand combat began in the Kerreri Hills, where Broadwood was positioned, with the Egyptian cavalry on the western end of the hills, the Camel Corps next in the line and the Horse Artillery at the eastern end. The 21st wheeled to pass them on the left. Colonel Broadwood: Battle of Omdurman on 2nd September 1898 in the Sudanese War. The Charge of the 21st Lancers at Omdurman by Richard C. Woodville One tribesman, carrying a flag, rushed on to within 150 yards of the line, before being shot down. After a fierce clash, the Lancers drove them back (resulting in three Victoria Crosses being awarded to Lancers who helped rescue wounded comrades). Steamers firing in support of the Sirdars army at 6.30am on 2nd September 1897: picture by HCS Eppings-Wright. Macdonald lost about 128 men. The cavalrymen, other than those brought down, rode up the far side of the khor and galloped on, rallying on the rest of the regiment, 200 yards beyond the khor. Kitchener was ennobled as a baron, Kitchener of Khartoum, for his victory. But it was dealt with, when Hunter took control and brought up some reserve companies. Winston Churchill: Battle of Omdurman on 2nd September 1898 in the Sudanese War. 1st, 5th, 17th, and 18th Egyptian Battalions. Government troops backed up by tanks, artillery, and helicopter gunships were immediately deployed to Omdurman, and heavy fighting raged for several hours. These guns opened fire on Omdurman, destroying buildings and damaging the dome on the ornate tomb of the Mahdi. Camel Corps: Battle of Omdurman on 2nd September 1898 in the Sudanese War: picture by Frank Dadds. Along the river bank was a straggling mud village, El Egeiga. Grenadier Guards between the two attacks in the Battle of Omdurman on 2nd September 1898 in the Sudanese War. Henty's series of adventure stories for boys. View this object . After massacring a small government force sent to arrest him, the Mahd and his followers retired to the Nuba Mountains, where in December 1881 and May 1882 they annihilated two Egyptian military columns sent against them. Muammad Amad ibn Abd Allh was the son of a boatbuilder from Dongola, in northern Sudan, who claimed descent from the Prophet Muhammad. Substantial casualties were inflicted on the Dervishes, several Emirs being killed and the Dervish formations attacking Macdonalds brigade and the Jebel Surgham began to break up. On 13 September 1882, the British established their control over Egypt following the Battle of Tel el Kebir. A further change was that the Sirdar wanted a four-squadron regiment. Several of these wounded men had terrible injuries, with faces and limbs sliced through by sword strokes. Following the establishment of the Mahdist Islamic State in Sudan, and the subsequent threat to the regional status quo and to British-occupied Egypt, the British government decided to send an expeditionary force with the task of overthrowing the Khalifa. When Colville was wounded, Beatty took over leadership of the expedition's naval elements. It was about this time that the reconquest of the Sudan by Anglo-Egyptian forces was begun in earnest. They had a tough time of it. The 21st Lancers and their commanding officer were smarting under the taunts of the army at the regiments inexperience and lack of military honours and were looking for the opportunity to deliver a classic cavalry charge. (He would eventually be killed at the Battle of Umm Diwaykarat on 25 November 1899.) The casualties to the Sirdars army were 20 officers and 462 men killed and wounded. [3] On the morning of 2 September, some 35,00050,000 Sudanese tribesmen under Abdullah attacked the British lines in a disastrous series of charges; later that morning the 21st Lancers charged and defeated another force that appeared on the British right flank. To overawe potential resistance in the Nile valley, he compelled Baqqrah warriors from the west to move to Omdurman. 21st Lancers The Sirdars army comprised 8,200 British and 17,600 Egyptian (including Sudanese) troops, 44 guns and 20 Maxims, supported by 10 steamers, mounting 36 guns and 24 Maxims. The Battle of Omdurman raged for five hours, but by its end more almost half of the Mahdist army had been wiped out, either killed or wounded. The battle took place on 2 September 1898, at Kerreri, 11 kilometres (6.8mi) north of Omdurman in Sudan. After sending the four Dervish regiments to the khor, Churchill says that the Khalifa followed with a small escort and was within 500 yards, watching the charge when it took place. Many more flags were carried by the army, a common motif being a white flag, with quotations from the Koran embroidered across it. Pertempuran Omdurman. The Triumph of the Sun (2005) by Wilbur Smith concentrates mainly on the siege of Khartoum and the fate of the defeated, but carries the story through to Kitchener's campaign. There was no prospect of simple military prudence causing Martin to reject such an opportunity. With the report of the advance of the 21st Lancers, the Khalifa ordered four groups, each of 500 tribesmen from the Black Flag force, commanded by the Emir Ibrahim, to re-enforce the Hadendoa contingent. In 1877 Isml Pasha, the Ottoman viceroy of Egypt, appointed British Gen. Charles George Gordon governor-general of the Sudan. Soudan battles the enemy's wounded have been killed,' and noted that the three days of looting in Omdurman had been carried out by British as well as 'native' troops.4 Bennett's accusations 3 The jihadiyya were professional soldiers, usually of Nuba or southern Sudanese origin, established as an infantry by the former Turco-Egyptian regime. Several days after the battle, Kitchener was sent to Fashoda, due to the developing Fashoda Incident. All were shot down. Charge of the 21st Lancers at the Battle of Omdurman on 2nd September 1898: picture by Harry Payne, The previous battle of the War in Egypt and the Sudan is the Battle of Atbara, The next battle in the British Battles sequence is the Battle of Laings Nek,
The 21st Lancers were given this task. Once the Dervish attacks ceased, the Sirdars line advanced to the west, with fixed bayonets and drove the survivors out into the desert, away from the road to Omdurman. Please select which sections you would like to print: Get a Britannica Premium subscription and gain access to exclusive content. The 21st moved out from the southern end of the zeriba, preceded by several patrols and advanced to the crest of the ridge. Feeling that time was on his side, Kitchener paused his offensive and dispatched a gunboat flotilla up the Nile to seize the Mahdist stronghold at Shendi. The Mahdist state, the Mahdia, built on slavery and holy war, enforced a strict Islamic code imposing a reign of terror over the regions of Sudan. This article appears in: June 2011 By Eric Niderost It was the morning of September 1, 1898, the day before the Battle of Omdurman. In this process, the Dervishes acquired the rifles of the Egyptian soldiers, with a small number of artillery pieces and Maxims, so that in any Dervish force there was a percentage of men with firearms, although not particularly skilled in their use. Nearer, about three miles away, on the west bank of the River Nile, rose the Jebel Surgham, a black hill above a ridge. This army was supported by a detachment of Royal Engineers and a fleet of 10 gunboats and 5 transport steamers. The British infantry regiments were armed with the Lee-Metford bolt action magazine rifle. While a force of Arab irregularsfriendly to the Anglo-Egyptian forces and under British commandproceeded southward to clear the Niles east bank of all opposition as far as the Blue Nile, the Anglo-Egyptian army under Kitchener marched along the west bank unopposed. Such films maintained their popularity for months in Britain and were succeeded by short features such as the fictional How Tommy Won the Victoria Cross: an Incident of the Soudan War (1899) in which English soldiers survive a 'dervish' ambush. With 'C' Squadron, 21st Lancers, he served at the battle of Omdurman, 2 September 1898. On June 29, 1881, he proclaimed himself al-Mahd, the Right-Guided One who had been divinely appointed to restore traditional Islam. Combatants at the Battle of Omdurman: British and Egyptians against the Sudanese Dervish Empire of the Khalifa. The battle took place at Kerreri, north of Omdurman in the Sudan. The Dervishes fired their rifles in reply and hurried on down the reverse face of the ridge, towards the British battalions on the left of the Sirdars line. campaign culminated in the battle of Omdurman on 2 nd September 1898. The Sirdar, accompanying Maxwell, looked back from his position on the lower slopes of the Jebel Surgham and saw that, instead of following on in column behind Lewiss brigade, Macdonald was deploying his brigade into line, and bringing his batteries into action. Kitchener refused to appoint Churchill to his staff. The 21st Lancers gathered in its patrols from the ridge and returned to the zeriba, clearing the front, to enable the infantry and maxims to open fire without fear of hitting their own cavalry. Kitchener was seeking revenge for the 1885 death of General Gordon. 4 Field batteries Six junior officers from other regiments served attachments with the 21st Lancers in the Omdurman campaign. The battle is widely called Omdurman, but the battle honour Khartoum was awarded to: 21st Lancers, Grenadier Guards, Northumberland Fusiliers, Royal Warwickshire Regiment, Lincolnshire Regiment, Lancashire Fusiliers, Seaforth Highlanders and Cameron Highlanders. Sudanese troops at the Battle of Omdurman on 2nd September 1898 in the Sudanese War. Our road lay by the khor whereat the victorious army had watered in the afternoon of the 2nd, and thence across the sandy, rock-strewn plain to the southern slopes of Surgham . Commodore Keppel, Royal Navy, commanded the steamers on the River Nile. [19] The pictorial press covered the campaign extensively and employed several artists to record the events. In this way Broadwood lured Ali-Wad-Helus force three miles away to the north, while the main Dervish attack went in, thereby performing a valuable service to the Sirdar. One eyewitness described the appalling scene:.mw-parser-output .templatequote{overflow:hidden;margin:1em 0;padding:0 40px}.mw-parser-output .templatequote .templatequotecite{line-height:1.5em;text-align:left;padding-left:1.6em;margin-top:0}. Three Victoria Crosses were awarded and the Queen granted her own name to the regiment. Determined that his regiment take part in the campaign, the Commanding Officer, Lieutenant Colonel Martin, reorganised his three-squadron regiment into four squadrons. The Dervish skirmishing line was 250 yards away, but as the 21st covered half the distance, a wide khor opened in front of them and out of it leaped a dense mass of sword and spear wielding Dervishes, with horsemen and flags among them. The battle took place on 2 September 1898, at Kerreri, 11 kilometres (6.8 mi) north of Omdurman in the Sudan. Winston Churchill, who was attached to the 21st Lancers as a junior officer and war correspondent, described the scene: A deep crease in the grounda dry watercourse, a khorappeared where all had seemed smooth, level plain; and from it there sprang, with the suddenness of a pantomime effect and a high-pitched yell, a dense white mass of men nearly as long as our front and about twelve deep. The Khalifa, Abdullah Al-Taishi, commanded the Mahdist Dervish forces. 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