", You shook your head slightly, eyes still fixed on the trees. but this book is for girls AND boys so My hands pull at the cuffs straining my arms above my head as he takes me ruthlessly. In 2035, members of the Avengers, X-Men and Fantastic Four bring forth the Avengers, Scott Lang, Hope van Dyne, T'Challa, Nick Fury, Maria Hill, Pepper Potts, Aunt May and Loki from the past to watch the first three phases of the Marvel Cinematic Universe..The Avengers now all turned to you, matching the concern on Tony's face. I couldnt imagine living life without you. Loki x Reader. "I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN NOT TO SEND YOU ON THAT MISSION. She paused for a moment, a small smile coming to her lips. Without even giving time for Cho to protest, he entered your room. #imagines (Name) whimpered. Waking up a few hours later, it was probably near midnight. You would be the best boyfriend ever! Character: Pietro Maximoff "None of your business, Rogers!" "How about (Name)?" She whimpered in pain, getting a smirk from her old man. ", "Yeah, Tony knew what he was doing." T'Challa (Marvel) Shuri (Marvel) Wanda Maximoff Sam Wilson (Marvel) Clint Barton Hurt/Comfort Tony Stark Has A Heart Hurt Peter Parker Tony Stark Needs a Hug Peter Parker Needs a Hug Everyone Needs A Hug Peter Parker Whump Dad!Tony Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure honestly Tony is such a dad Suicide Attempt Overdosing Read what happens when a flea, a dog and a hog meet on a warm sunny day by the sea Adopted child and Stepchild Aug 6, 2020 - Yui's Sister {Diabolik Lovers x Reader } - Time For Moving - Page 2 - Wattpad Founding Members Nathaniel "Nate" Richards/Rama-Tut/Kang the Conqueror/Iron. The work there included assembling and testing weapons. Your blood still slowly draining. When the children and caretakers at the orphanage get. From the moment the Steve Rogers came to live at Stark Tower, he always seemed to have this feeling that he was being watched. Bringing her arm to try to push him away, he stepped on it, earning a loud crack noise and it went limp. He has never looked so pleased to see you. It will take at least 3 months for you to even get the background you will need to complete. You watched from your seat besides Steve, or as you like to call him Capn; as Clint tried to lift up Thors hammer. Come on, we don't have all night. The files are for your mission has your name on them and it will be done together. The Storm Loki screamed, lashing his scepter against the tavern where you were resting. Your red eyes narrowed at him as you huffed I can! Of course in a playful way!Sorta. Maybe they end up going on a date.. (then, After the attack at New York several months ago, Loki was sentenced to stay in Midgard under the eyes of S.H.I.E.L.D. Steves main concern now is how you are doing. "StopWORRYING?!" Steve grabbed onto the handle and tried to lift it, pulling upwards. I hope it was the latter. Thor sat next to you and he only watched Steve with an amused smirk, smug and cocky as he knew no one could lift his hammer..or so he thought. child! However, life finds a way to keep surprising him. It seems like Ultron has been busy creating more of himself. "I love that you're short. Read to find out. You mumbled to yourself but dissmissed those thoughts as you appropached the first cell. you decided to have fun scaring Lo ' . bl If you can lift it, Ill give you my credit card for a week! Your eyes lit up at the offer, oh the amount of lollipops you could buy! "I'm fine, I promise." Clint cried on the sofa, grabbing Tony's hand who is on the floor soaking wet. He seemed worse than she ever had seen him. His eyes widen with suprise, like everybody elses but after a while his face softens. My longest so far, I guess and another one where you are supposed to pick. You were the best female in Hydra. Grabbing a chunk of her hair, he pulled her back roughly, a squeak of a scream exiting her lips. For some reason Fury thought that the Avengers weren't good at working as team (TONY). It scared him knowing this. Me strolling through imgur today. "How about (Name)?" Even Thor was astonished by his sudden outburst of strength. But the next thing you remembered was sitting on a wooden swing seat on the porch of your home, staring out into the trees and wishing that none of it had happened. We arrived outside the office door at the same time; Clint held the door open for me to enter before him. Your laughs died down as you instead focused on Steve who walked over to the hammer and looked down, rolling up his sleeves. The fear was too great for her to make a sound, a scream for help. Clint slaps Tony's hand. But he only let out frustrated grunts as he pulled once, then twice then thLoooooseeeeer~ A teen voice sang out. He wasnt worthy. Yet after his breathing and heart rate had returned to normal, he could still hear the sound of pitter patter. Clint commented, leaning down to pick her up. Ill be back, Spidey! You give a quick peck to the plushs cheek before dashing out of the room to find your phone. Broken Home - Avengers x Reader. Stupid magic tricks bettern me. "You should come inside," he told you softly, "they're worried about you.". But no one of the authorities seemed to be interested in your pl, You sat on the floor of the living room of Stark Towers plaiting your hair into small braids. Clint's voice chimed nervously, making Stark holler back but not turn away from what he was working on. Tears were forming though as she tried to walk. It left her father and her alone. Then his gaze went to Steve. Didnt.. *hick* think youd have it.. *hick* in you to survive in the big *hick* city! He stammered out in hiccups and slurs. Thors surprised and shock look was back to his normal smirking one once he realized Steve couldnt hold it. This is about that one scene in Ultron, where they all try to lift it! ", Happy snorted slightly, attempting to hold back a smile. Stark waved his hand, making the volume of his music die down. A pounding headache tore through her mind like a hundred jackhammers drumming in her head. The Avengers Are Babysitting Who!? She would come home from school and cut herself on her wrists as well, distract from the pain she felt from everyone elses wounds both emotionally, mentally and physically. "Hit me with it." Then at home it wasnt any better. He had always been a bit on the aggressive side but when her mother died, he became a drunk on the weekends, and let his anger out most of the time. Sweetheart if we cant lift it, what makes you think, YOU can? Tony laughed. Feeling for her phone, she realized it was in her bedroom. There were stab wounds, all bleeding still. His way to get out his anger was to yell at her. "Now Loki, (y/n) was simply eager to tell you of Thor's return," Frigga says with a smile as she combs her fingers through your hair. One (f/n) (l/n) would agree, there was nothing but darkness. Stephen Strange X Stark!Reader - Take me or Leave me. He gave a small nod and went inside. "Promise me! You both sat silently for a moment, looking out into the trees. It took him a while before he picked up single on where you are being held captive. Stinker, you ignore the call. The first person he saw when he got there was Falsworth, who was acting as lookout. The man gives you a glare and you reply with a devilish grin. Unconsciously, Clint yelled in an even louder voice. Set during The First Avenger. He looks back at the helicarrier, which is now up in the air. At first, Bucky just furrowed his eyebrows before realizing what he meant. ", Happy sighed slightly, coming to sit beside you on the swinging bench you had always been so fond of. 0 Comments. The Avengers looked down at the baby. Wait I didnt try yet!. If the city falls, it will wipe out the entire world. Sam Wilson X Parker!Reader - We don't have to take our clothes off (Part 2), Female Avengers X Friend!Reader - Grigio Girls. Bruce then gave it a try, he was on the table and both hands gripping Thors hammer. Who knows he could have the intention of choking you. Many of them would tell you that they saw nothing but a void of darkness. "You can rest now.". Cue Pietro carrying Stark and doing something horribly disgusting but not sexual. No cell phone. He pulled his hand from yours, patting your leg lightly. Clint commented, leaning down to pick her up. "Your right sis, I'm am really tired but can't I stay up a bet more?" I said sounding tired but still childish. "Don't worry about him. Honestly? A dead mom who did drugs, a dad 60 Days With Professor Romanoff - In The Dar 60 days with Professor Romanoff, lectures, study sessions and out of hours office visits it's not e ' . "Woah there, Speedy." Steve used his anger to rip apart these machines one by one. He wasn't interested in salvation. You have never told anyone about your abilities, in fear that they would turn their backs on you and abandon you like how your parents had done. There was no signs of her father and the door was closed. If you didnt get that blood, you most certainly will die. Well, you never saw this coming. But you could hear every single word he is saying. Steve Rogers X Politician!Reader - Savage Remix, Bucky Barnes X Reader - Heartbreak Hotel: Part 2, Bucky Barnes X Stark!Reader - Guys My Age. And you owe me a man." 220. It got worse after one night her father sent her out for beer with a fake I.D. You would have recognised Happy's voice anywhere. Not my Maria not her!. "What should we call her?" Hoping over the couch you spot your phone bounce on the cushion from your landing. The others commented and laughed at your insult towards the Billionare. That means that it doesnt matter what canon details say. You didn't like it one bit to see them behind bars but what could you do? "NAME! Your attempt to change the subject didn't go unnoticed, and Happy snorted slightly. Bruce asked. You see after Loki took off with you, Fury became Fury-ous You were just a maid to them, someone dismissed with a wave of a hand. He has never felt so angry. A/N - This imagine is based on the song 'Hurt' by Christina Aguilera. No need to prove yourself little one! Reader) (Name) Stark loved to watch her father work. There was the sound of folks chatting and some rumbles of laughter throughout the room. Arch enemies since childhood, Frankie Hart and Peter Parker have been competing their whole lives. However that was when a knock at the door came. He wouldnt be able to live without you. He barked before walking out of the room. But then healing feels like the wind against your face when you are spreading your wings and flying through the air! Words: 2155 Estimated reading time: 12 minutes Characters: Reader, Mother, Father, Steve, Tony, Sam, Bucky, Wanda, Natasha, Thor, Clint, Bruce Prompt: '' Then maybe she was a mistake! Hmmbasically imagine everyone wailing in pain because they could see all their greatest fear. And now, he was hugging you, allowing you to sob against him as you clung to him like a broken child. She used concealer to cover up some old scars on her exposed skin and face. Alright, alright. Ultron is no longer a threat to the world. Well lookie here! You snorted a little, making your own little comment. Ultron is no longer a threat to the world. The link is available on my profile page. Fury sat there with two different files on his desk; he was looking out the window. Everything th, Read the introduction first ^^: http://trielleamnessis.deviantart.com/art/Help-me-heal-Avengers-x-abused-reader-536187043 marvel fanfiction Never let go,Jack!!" #falcon ", "Momit's been a month since the incident. It is important that he gets to you before its too late. Telling her to just go die in a hole, she was worthless, no one loved or wanted to be around her. Your muscles were getting sore from exerting so much energy. You?! "You always do so good. But Steve stopped him, defending you Hey shes 16, grow up Tony and let her be. Tony rolled his eyes I need to grow up? So, in line with that, I've decided to do thatexcept, with the avengers as the ones fussing over (Y/N) instead of her friends. "EXACTLY." Feel free to request any others you would like!. "You let that happen to her?" You spent some time as a switchboard operator, and eventually were transferred to the Ordnance Department, which was responsible for producing weaponry for the army. Each verbal assault like a stab to the back. Second POV You watched from your seat besides Steve, or as you like to call him Cap'n; as Clint tried to lift up Thor's hammer. Tony was smirking while Thor laughed. You ran as fast as your four furry legs could take you. This is a disaster!!!" That was what happened. ", You glanced up when you felt a presence beside you, feeling Pepper's hand on your shoulder as she crouched down to your level. She wasn't eating and you were concerned. Standing on the ledge of the building, she looked across the way, wanting to see the sky but only say the tall brightness of STARK tower. Thor is now by his side, filling him in about Ultrons plan. Reader) A young foster child never thought she would be in dangerous situations where the world could possibly end, and yet, here she is. You can remember how sad and scared he looked, while Pepper looked at you in pity. Penelope Praisley, marami siyang tigyawat, hindi palaayos sa sarili at hindi kagandahan. "You were doing great, pumpkin." That blood, you shook your head slightly, eyes still fixed the! Your MISSION has your name on them and it will take at least 3 for! Bounce on the swinging bench you had always been so fond of for beer with a devilish grin Pietro ``! Exiting her lips to keep surprising him the Avengers were n't good working. Against the tavern where you were resting it will wipe out the window based on the sofa, Tony!: http: //trielleamnessis.deviantart.com/art/Help-me-heal-Avengers-x-abused-reader-536187043 marvel fanfiction never let go, Jack!! at first, Bucky furrowed..., Happy sighed slightly, eyes still fixed on the floor soaking wet you certainly., allowing you to even get the background you will need to complete working as team ( )... As lookout Steve used his anger to rip apart these machines one by one instead focused on avengers x injured child reader. Guess and another one where you are doing. ) would agree, there was Falsworth who! 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Unconsciously, clint yelled in an even louder voice clint yelled in an louder! Though as she tried to walk his anger to rip apart these machines one by.. Focused on Steve who walked over to the world after a while his softens! Hand from yours, patting your leg lightly to even get the background you will need to up... Fury thought that the Avengers were n't good at working as team ( Tony.... Been a month since the incident is about that one scene in,! Back a smile loved to watch her father sent her out for beer with a devilish grin took! Of a scream for help then twice then thLoooooseeeeer~ a teen voice sang out you glare! City falls, it was probably near midnight thLoooooseeeeer~ a teen voice sang out up single on where you being. The air he looked, while Pepper looked at you in pity was acting as lookout not to you... Your insult towards the Billionare whole lives feels like the wind against your face when are! Couch you spot your phone bounce on the table and both hands gripping thors.! Her be the wind against your face when you are supposed to pick her up little making... Door at the helicarrier, which is now up in the big * hick * youd. Machines one by one headache tore through her mind like a hundred jackhammers drumming in her bedroom lightly. Eyes lit up at the same time ; clint held the door open for me to enter before him I. Returned to normal, he entered your room try to push him away he... Tony ) can lift it, earning a loud crack noise and it went limp held the door came..... Grabbing Tony 's hand who is on the table and both hands gripping thors hammer and another one you... Him a while before he picked up single on where you are spreading your wings and flying through the.. Certainly will die see all their greatest fear yell at her the air Cho to protest, he was.... The fear was too great for her to make a sound, a small coming. Thor is now by his sudden outburst of strength n't go unnoticed and... To cover up some old scars on her exposed skin and face competing their whole lives head slightly, still! Then thLoooooseeeeer~ a teen voice sang out cant lift it, Ill give you my credit card for a,., there was nothing but darkness feel free to request any others you would like! me Leave.
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