He gave hope across the land in dark times. According to, Columbus believed that he was playing a part in a divine plan to Christianize the world. We all know that the ancient world was a violent place, but we often dont appreciate just how violent it was. I am sure you are familiar with his legend which states that he was born in a manger surrounded by shepherds. By 1555, there were zero full-blooded natives left on the island. He did introduce Europe to the New World but he was not even the first person to land in the Americas, like the myths would have you believe (Article 3). The day celebrates a fictionalized and sanitized version of colonialism, whitewashing generations of brutality that many Europeans brought to these shores. Italian heritage. With all that, there are reasons to celebrate Columbus Day. Canadas Spotted Lake: The Most Alien-Looking Lake on Earth, The Legendary Emerald Tablet and its Secrets of the Universe. The United States celebrates Columbus hardcore every year and children are taught all about his legacy, but he never actually stepped foot in North America. We are petitioning for an official Capital luncheon and White House evening reception in recognition and endorsement of Columbus Day and the contributions of the 25 million Americans of Italian descent. The fact is, it would change history if the USA decided to stop celebrating Columbus Day all together. Seems pretty appropriate at this moment in time doesnt it?! Mo Rocca embarks on a journey to discover more about the explorer we honor each year. The Stories Behind Seven of the Worst Massacres in Ancient History. For example, in the United States, Columbus Day occurs every year on the second Monday of October, to roughly correspond with Columbus' arrival on his first voyage. Get expert help in mere The "Indians had no immunity to the European diseases and they were easily communicable. Columbus Day honors a cruel, greedy man who killed hundreds of innocent people. It has since not only become a patriotic American holiday, but also one that is celebrated as a day of pride and heritage by Italian-Americans, as Columbus' ancestry was Italian. 2023 FOX News Network, LLC. The Mysterious Man from Taured Evidence for a Parallel Universe? Worshipping great men has been a dominant way of looking at history. He could have just stayed at his location and let many questions go unanswered. What were his actual contributions? Those are important questions we want to ask as citizens. Quotes displayed in real-time or delayed by at least 15 minutes. Regardless of not having any technology or ways to communicate with others if they needed help, they ventured out and sailed the ocean, unsure of what would happen to them. (Though it should be noted a large portion of the deaths of Native Americans was due to disease, not violence--an inevitable consequence of Old World illness in New World soil. Were theonlyPop Archaeology site combining scientific research with out-of-the-box perspectives. How the holiday has , 8.Why celebrate Columbus Day? What is the origin of the legend of the Christed Son who was born of a virgin on December 25th? For privacy reasons, she has previously written on Ancient Origins under the pen name April Holloway, but is now choosing to use her real name, Joanna Gillan. He asked for 3 more days, and if land was not sighted, the crew could do with him as they wished. We need students to understand that Columbus is important, even if he isnt someone to be celebrated. Like it or not, Columbus is a hero. (And yes, I also know many other discoverers have been posited through the ages. Paul reminds us in Romans 15, For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope. Americans need to learn from our history. It should also . Originally designated to celebrate Christopher Columbus's "discovery" of America, post offices and banks are closed, and stores hold major sales. It is on public record, that Columbus rewarded his soldiers by giving them Native Americans to rape. I just think hes been terribly maligned. Delaney points out that in the mans own writings and the writings of those who knew him, Columbus seems to be very much on the side of the Indians and even adopted the son of an American Indian he had befriended. By continuing well assume youre on board with our Without those contributions we might not see each other as equal or be free like we are today. 150,000-Year-Old Pipes Baffle Scientists in China: Out of Place in Time? In the year 1892, when President Benjamin Harrison declared Columbus Day a legal holiday, the Pledge of Allegiance was written. "Talk of an . Pedro Alonso was the pilot of the Santa Maria during Columbuss first trip. On October 12,1792was when it was first celebrated. 5.Why Columbus Day Continues to Be Celebrated in Parts of the U.S. Lets look at Columbus himself, to see if he meets the definition. During June 2020 Christopher Columbus statues were destroyed in seven American cities. Two reasons why Columbus Day should not be celebrated is that we shouldn't have a day where we glorify someone who hurt and enslaved innocent people (Native Americans) and because he destroyed the tranquility in the slaves homes and land with genocide and abuse. He was responsible for initiating the slave trade, and transporting hundreds of natives across the ocean to Spain on ships with inhumane conditions to be sold as slaves (Article 2). April 19, 2007 at 1:10 p.m. Columbus Day has been a federal holiday since President Franklin D. Roosevelt first proclaimed it such in 1934. I want to make sure we do justice to indigenous folks. He took land for himself and created plantations and mines, where he forced natives to work for him as slaves, building his personal wealth (Article 2). Europe, Asia and Africa, of course, suffered through numerous plagues of their own.). The One Night House: Squatters from Welsh Folklore, Mother and Child Reunion Of Thetis And Achilles, Seductive Sirens of Greek Mythology and How Heroes Resisted Them, Celestial Goddess Selene: The Ancient Greek Goddess of the Moon, Pegasus of Greek Mythology: Majestic Winged Horse of Mount Olympus, Dreams of Human-Powered Flight: Daedalus and the Story of Icarus, European Monarchies Pay Their Respects at the Funeral of Greece's Last King, 7 of The Most Skilled Sword Fighters in History, Roland the Farter: Medieval Englands Celebrity Flatulist. Columbus Day is one of the only holidays named after a person, Christopher Columbus. He did make a few mistakes. Generations of schoolchildren have memorized the rhyme chronicling the famous voyage of Christopher . Again, it would be like breaking American tradition if we stopped celebrating Columbus Day. Proverbs 22:28 says, Remove not the ancient landmarks, which thy fathers have set. After the Israelite crossed the Jordan River to enter the Promised Land, Joshua instructed them to erect a stone monument. 1 1.The Left Hates Christopher Columbus. Learn from history, dont destroy history as the Muslim ISIS did. Across the USA you will find that there are more monuments dedicated to Columbus than anyone else. Although Christopher Columbus is credited with discovering America, people had been inhabiting both North and South America for thousands of years before the 15 th century criminal explorer actually first set foot there. Mutual Fund and ETF data provided by Refinitiv Lipper. They are blaming Columbus for the things he didnt do, Delaney explains. And Erickson was certainly as European as Columbus (at least in todays geographical terminology.) Columbus said, All those who heard about my enterprise rejected it with laughter, scoffing at me Columbus said he got encouragement from the Bible. As if . He was the first to send people (as slaves) across the Atlantic to Spain. That year, President Benjamin Harrison declared Columbus Day a legal holiday. All rights reserved. Why are we celebrating him? The information shared above about the question, 1.The Left Hates Christopher Columbus. Columbuss men used native girls as young as nine or ten as their sex slaves. For starters, Christopher Columbus didnt discover anything. These ships were called the Nina, Santa Maria and the Pinta. Observing Columbus Day started back in the 18th century. Today, many tend to use Columbus as their scapegoat for sins that might have been committed over 500 years ago by the non-Native Americans. It took tremendous bravery to sail off into the unknown. But what exactly does it mean to be civilized? Thirteen years later South Dakota became the first state to do away with Columbus Day, replacing it with . A day to remind ourselves that October 12, 1492 was the first day of . Along and through History, conquerors have had violent behaviour. Christopher Columbus day is meant to celebrate the man who discovered America. "Endless testimonies.prove the mild and pacific temperament of the natives. He arrived in the Bahamas on October 12, 1492. Christopher Columbus argued that because they lacked . And its fundamentally important that they do so. Very trying! sums it up for Daniel, creator of Stories Guaranteed to Make You Sick, Dr. Crankenfuss books, Moose Jokes, & now Practically News. Bring them to the light, if you would. In cities across the country there is a growing awareness of our collective and violent history and of the legacies that reverberate in our justice, health, and educational systems. Columbus Day is a U.S. holiday that commemorates the landing of Christopher Columbus in the Americas in 1492, and Columbus Day 2022 occurs on Monday, October 10. In 1502 a merchant and explorer by the name Amerigo Vespucci had came to realise that Christopher Columbus was wrong about the new world he had found. Most slaves died en route to Spain. Powered and implemented by FactSet Digital Solutions. Sometimes I wonder if that is actually a good idea. Get in touch! Harvard Graduate School of Education Here are Five Reasons Why 2 2.Columbus Day 2022 - Facts, Celebrations & Controversy - HISTORY; 3 3.Save Columbus Day - - Order Sons and Daughters of Italy in America; 4 4.Twelve Reasons NOT to Celebrate Columbus Day - Daniel Berenson; 5 5.Why Columbus Day Continues to Be Celebrated in Parts of the U.S. As Greek mythology goes, the universe was once a big soup of nothingness. 6. The second Monday in October is celebrated nationally as Columbus Day, which has been a federal holiday since 1937. Every year on the second Monday of October, the United States celebrates Columbus Day. How could we look at this from a different perspective? Breaking: Ancient Royal Tomb Discovered in Egypt. Poll shows most Americans want to celebrate Columbus Day. Columbus couldn't be killed without angering the Italian court, so Queen Isabella sent him on a mission, hoping he wouldn't return. So before waving the US flag in celebration of a criminal who did not discover America, spare a thought for the millions of Native Americans who were murdered as a result of Christopher Columbus arrival on American soil. Take advantage of Columbus Day sales The arrival of Columbus in 1492 marks the beginning of recorded history in America and opened relations between the Americas and the rest of the world. #america #mayflowersteps #plymouth #christophercolumbus #fucktrump, A post shared by Nige (@sabbathhex72) on Jul 31, 2018 at 10:01am PDT. It is a polka-dotted body-of-water that looks so bizarre you could be forgiven for thinking you were on an alien planet. In fact, the result of Columbuss voyages was mass, Columbus didnt do too well as a governor of these new lands. The Vikings were actually the first non natives to discover America. No, thanks. They are not on a side. If Columbus had been an Englishman, or a Frenchman, would have they behaved in a different way? It was unofficially. People across the Americas have celebrated Columbus exploring this land by holding religious ceremonies, hosting parades and teaching about the history of Columbus in schools. These books have fueled the trends I mentioned around Columbus Day. Why is this? -- Celebrate Italians (though there is some question as to whether Columbus would have considered himself an Italian -- he was long thought to have been born in Genoa, then an independent city-state in what is now Italy, though everyone from Greece to Portugal to Poland have claimed him as their own). Sometimes it is hard to do all the work on your own. The artefacts include cave paintings and ceramic art depicting animals, hunting expeditions and the daily lives of people who lived around the Serra da Capivara in Brazil for tens of thousands of years. What most might not know is that Columbus sailed with 90 men on three different ships. To the Editor: There are many strange mysteries that reside in history, but one of the most unsettling is that of the Octavius ghost ship. A movement grows to re-examine Columbus's legacy and abolish his holiday. America just would not seem right if we didnt celebrate those holidays because its a very important tradition. Lost and Found Evidence of Extreme Size Life Forms Everywhere! Then in 1892, Benjamin Harrison issued a proclamation encouraging Americans to celebrate the voyage of Columbus. When Columbus and his men landed on the islands that would become the West Indies, instead of being peaceful and trading with the indigenous people, they lied, exploited and killed hundreds of them. Columbus Day is a patriotic holiday. So why should we keep referring to Columbus as an Italian hero? })(); on 10 Reasons Why We Celebrate Columbus Day, 10 Sexy Halloween Women Costumes For 2015, Ten Tips on Picking Out a Ripe Watermelon, 10 Ways Video Games Help People in the Real World, A Roseburg, Oregon Gardener's 10 Favorite Flowers, Top 10 Handsome Male Inmates that Desire PenPals, 10 Creepy Ant Behaviors You Wont Believe, Ten Attractive Female Inmates Desire Penpals in 2019, Top Ten Fun Things To Do During The 2019 Pendleton Roundup Week, 10 Top Foods That Were Invented by Mistake, Tip Top 10 Reasons Why You Might Always Be Hungry, The Top Ten Websites in Pendleton, Oregon, A Roseburg, Oregon Gardeners 10 Favorite Flowers. Click here to sign the petition. Shocking Evidence Homo Naledi Used Fire 230,000 Years Ago, Library in Stone: The Ica Stones of Professor Cabrera Part I, Two Sides to Every Story: The North American Martyrs Shrines and Indigenous/ Roman Catholic Relations, The Origins of the Faeries: Encoded in our Cultures Part I, Curse of the Buried Pearl: The Hunt for Ancient Treasures Part I, The Enigma of the Shugborough Inscription, Christopher Columbus: Master Double Agent and Portugals 007, Roman Sword discovered off Oak Island radically suggests Ancient Mariners visited New World 1,000 years before Columbus. Indeed, the promise of the West has delivered freedom and bounty such as humanity has never known. What does your state celebrate? Writing Prompt You can respond on this page, if you like.--What do you know about Christopher Columbus? The most important history to remember is Jesus died for our sin and rose from the dead. In the 1500s, people were curious about the world and wanted to advance so they explored, the explorers who discovered different things were regarded as heros but even though Christopher. Upon landing on Guanahani; on October 12, 1492; he claimed the land for Spain, despite it already being indigenous land. Columbus Day is a national holiday in many countries of the Americas and elsewhere, and a federal holiday in the United States, which officially celebrates the anniversary of Christopher Columbus's arrival in the Americas, at Guanahan, an island in the Bahamas, on October 12, 1492.. Christopher Columbus (Italian: Cristoforo Colombo [kristforo kolombo]) was a Genovese-born explorer . One for every day of the year. Yet, many continue to believe that America owes its discovery to Christopher Columbus. Columbus couldnt be killed without angering the Italian court, so Queen Isabella sent him on a mission, hoping he wouldnt return. A Traveling Gown With History Goes On Display, Christopher Columbus wasnt American! April Holloway is a Co-Owner, Editor and Writer of Ancient Origins. People are taught at a young age that Christopher Columbus was a hero when in fact. 17th Century British Christmas Ban Led to Civil War, Eight Historic Lies about the Ancient World that will Blow Your Mind. He and his crew were greeted with smiles, gifts and food. By 1516, there were 12,000. https://www.instagram.com/p/Bom1wPLHREv/?tagged=christophercolumbus. Check out these 10 Reasons Why We Celebrate Columbus Day and you can decide for yourself as to if we should or shouldnt after reading them. In 1934, President Franklin D. Roosevelt was the first to proclaim Columbus Day as a federal holiday. The first reason for why Christopher Columbus should not be celebrated is because he committed mass genocide against the Native Americans. It was first celebrated on October 12, 1792, when the New York Society of Tammany honored Columbus on the 300th anniversary of his first voyage. Other traditions that we tend to have and celebrate include mothers and fathers day plus Christmas. It was first celebrated on October 12, 1792, when the New York Society of Tammany honored Columbus on the 300th anniversary of his first voyage. I am not saying that he was perfect. Columbus Day is a national holiday in the United States that celebrates the arrival of Christopher Columbus in the Americas in 1492. History as the Muslim ISIS did we do justice to indigenous folks first to proclaim Columbus Day is one the. Can respond on this page, if you would that the Ancient world that will Blow Mind... Fathers Day plus Christmas were greeted with smiles, gifts and food what do you know about Columbus. The origin of the Universe dedicated to Columbus than anyone else Columbus as an Italian hero humanity. 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