The Legion has faced down worse than a few dusty old bonewalkers. "Rikke: "In the absence of the Moot, it would further legitimize her claim. You are guilty of insurrection, murder of Imperial citizens, the assassination of King Torygg, and high treason against the Empire. No mods Press J to jump to the feed. You can do nothing but leave her behind and proceed to fight Alduin so her soul can find rest in Sovngarde. Imperial Soldier 2: "Too bad we can't read these carvings. "Tullius: "Enough! Spread out and see what we've got. Once the fort is taken, The Rift will fall under Imperial control, and Stormcloak commander Gonnar Oath-Giver will be replaced by Legate Fasendil at Mistveil Keep in Riften, while Laila will be replaced as Jarl by Maven Black-Briar, a powerful Imperial ally with support from the Thieves Guild. Many are Legion veterans. If you have already visited Fort Hraggstad and cleared it, she will be quite surprised: "Is that so? Guys! After your visit to Fort Hraggstad, you will find Rikke and Tullius at their usual spot near the strategy map. I don't think you're regular militia material. Just saying goodbye. It looks like it's been dead for a hundred years. And I don't often get good feelings about anything. Let's get that crown men!". "Tullius: "Song or not, I just want it done.". They may be traitors, but they know how to fight. If you choose to act overly confident, she will remark, "Is that confidence, or bravado? You don't have to do this." Is Talos good or evil? The Empire glories in your accomplishments. But no. Legend has it that the crown is made from the bones and teeth of ancient dragons, and is said to increase the power of the wearer. If you don't mind, we'll just take that crown of yours and be on our way.". Otherwise, she will just ask "Are you lost?" But before we go any further, it's time for you to officially join the Legion. ", "Very good Let's see what you have here. And for all of Skyrim. You have to remember that the Empire didn't give in to the Thalmor because they wanted to. After the battle in the next room, she will whisper: "Be careful men. I just thought it was interesting. It looks like it's been dead for a hundred years." We had the advantage of surprise this time, but don't expect it to last. (If Fort Hraggstad has been cleared before accepting the quest). I gave you an order. Let's show these rebels what real soldiers look like." ", When you accept the mission, she will choose a random response and send you on your way:"I knew I could count on you, soldier. Let this day be a final warning to all who would still call themselves Stormcloaks. After liberating all other holds and taking Fort Amol, the main fort defending Eastmarch, Legate Rikke will order you to meet them outside Windhelm for General Tullius' speech, with the city already being besieged by catapult fire from the Eastmarch Imperial Camp : "All right. You can send him/her back when you get there and find nothing but old bones and cobwebs. Everyone, with me! After the battle, she will say, "Alright, get the crown off that draugr!" Rikke um Nord e acredita fortemente que Skyrim deve fazer parte do Imprio. Legate Rikke is the chief legate of the Imperial Legion under General Tullius. With a means for success on the horizon for the Imperials, Legate Rikke comes to realize how important this gridlock with the Stormcloaks is to her, but how important Imperial victory is for Skyrim. or "Don't wait for me. I gave you an order. ", "Good work! But make no mistake. Some likely joined the Stormcloaks, others probably did not and remained neutral or headed back home to Cyrodiil or wherever their families are. Meet the soldiers preparing for the attack. Is this the one we're looking for?" You did well. Ulfric: "Rikke. Having reclaimed most of the Stormcloak-controlled holds, leaving only Eastmarch, which is Ulfric's home territory, Rikke sends troops from the Eastmarch Imperial Camp to take over Fort Amol, the main Stormcloak stronghold before the Legion can launch their attack on Windhelm. It just so happens, I've got some scouts along the road. It's a rebellion." Tullius and Rikke will try and make Ulfric surrender peacefully, but to no avail: Tullius: "Secure the door. Yep. Rikke is with General Tullius in Castle Dour discussing concerns about Whiterun and Jarl Balgruuf the Greater joining their side in the Civil War before the Dragonborn speaks to her regarding joining the Legion, and she dispatches him to clear out Fort Hraggstad of the bandits occupying it so a detachment of Legionnaires can garrison it to secure the western approach to Solitude from the northern coast along the Ghost Sea. Edit: also, let's not forget that everybody in Skyrim still worshiped Talos privately in their homes -- that is until Ulfric threw a fit and caused a civil war, which brought the Empire and the Aldmeri Dominion to Skyrim. and return to her strategies. Let's move out. If you don't mind, we'll just take that crown of yours and be on our way." If you talk to her instead, she will repeat: "Get the crown already. She personally knows the key players of the rebellion, Ulfric Stormcloakand Galmar Stone-Fist, as they were once friends and fought side by side in the Imperial Legionduring The Great War. Draft another letter with the usual platitudes, but this time share some of your intelligence regarding Ulfric's plans. We need the Empire. We need to hit them before they know we're here." It would seem Fort Dunstad is in need of reinforcements We'll make sure they won't be getting those One moment while I "correct" some of these documents That should do it. Rikke: "You're wrong. I must admit, I do like the sound of that. Galmar: "Well? Some Imperial soldiers and officers defected and abandoned their rank. Rikke is a Nord, and believes strongly that Skyrim should be part of the Empire. We'll let it seem like it's his idea." Shor as well - he welcomes all heroes to his kingly hall, if we could but reach it." By: Radiant.Pleasures. "Galmar: "Stand aside woman. I realize some of you may know men on the other side. I've played as a Stormcloak in 5 out of 7 of my characters. "Rikke: "General. Rikke is a Nord, and believes strongly that Skyrim should be part of the Empire. Once you prevail we will garrison the fort. Rikke is a Nord, and believes strongly that Skyrim should be part of the Empire. Should you miss the combination and insert the claw in the keyhole, the darts will trigger and Rikke will yell: "Uh oh! Are you up to the task? All through the Imperial Legion quest line, Rikke will greet you in different ways, once again showing mixed emotions about her role in the Civil War: ", "We're taking the city. At this point, you can ask Rikke several questions. ""Show the rebels the futility of their cause. Only 4.00% of players have killed a legendary dragon? When Galmar is dead and Ulfric is kneeling on the floor, Tullius will sheathe his sword and once again prove how little he knows about Nord traditions: Tullius: "Well Ulfric, you can't escape from me this time. I've got a good feeling about you. If you state you are unsure about the mission she will respond: "Well, if you change your mind, you know what to do." Stop. The rebels are keeping some of our men prisoner there. Skyrim, is a vast region set in the northern part of Tamriel. Once inside, Rikke and Tullius will be found in the war room. Because of that, I completely disagree with your assertion that no good character would ever choose the Empire over the Stormcloaks. Once you prevail we will garrison the fort. ", Legate Rikke: "Alright legionnaires! I'm entrusting you with what resources I can spare. When the boss-leveled draugr draws his sword, she will attack with the words, "Have it your way. She also whispers "Talos be with you" to Ulfric Stormcloak after he is killed, only for General Tullius to react with alarm. ", Reporting for duty. After the soldiers are gathered for the attack: Legate Rikke: "Listen up, legionnaires. Well, soldier? But I fear he's in too far to stop now. This is eveident when you find their gear ceremoniously placed at Shrines of Talos scattered throughout Skyrim, check the one near Froki's shack. I want that fort, and I want it now. ", "Welcome to the Legion, auxiliary. And we still could be. Maybe there's something on the claw itself that could help us." 4. PC1 (1030) "Tullius: "He'd be insane to try. "Rikke: "That's not what my scouts report, sir. Another dead-end awaits in the next room and Rikke will shout out: "Alright legionnaires! It matters little to me. When you arrive in Solitude, the town guards will all recommend that you join the cause and talk to Rikke, saying, "If you've come to Solitude to join the Legion, speak to Rikke. I'm proud to have any part in making it strong again.". When you report to her, she will task you with a special rescue mission, starting the quest Rescue from Fort Kastav: "Your objective is Fort Kastav. I've heard of this. "Tullius: "You people and your damn Jarls. I realize some of you may know men on the other side. Well? Why do Nords worship Talos? I'll send some men with a wagon to collect the prize. Everyone else, with me." Once done, she directs him to General Tullius to be administered the oath to join the Legion. You saw it. After the first wave of Stormcloaks, she will address the men again with "You two, stay and guard the entrance. During the attack on Windhelm, General Tullius himself will fight alongside Legate Rikke and his army of legionnaires and will give a heartfelt speech just outside the city gates. Rikke usually wears Imperial armor with matching boots and bracers. Once Ulfric Stormcloak returns Balgruuf's War Axe to Balgruuf the Greater a Stormcloak attack on Whiterun is inevitable and Balgruuf will have no choice but to accept assistance from the Imperial Legion. Curiosity accounted for one of the others. We've been through worse. See if you can't "convince" one of those innkeepers to help you. It'll be a problem. And we'll need to hand the city over to that Free-Winter fellow. Spread out and see what we've got. Legate Rikke, General Tullius'chief lieutenant, is a loyal Imperial officeras well as a Nordwho firmly believes that Skyrim must remain part of the Empire. Why does Legate Rikke say Talos be with you? Then join them in wiping out the rebels. You can't force a Nord to accept help he hasn't asked for. You don't have to do this. Hurry up. We're searching for the crown. Ulfric rises from his throne, draws his enchanted steel war axe, and faces the General, Rikke, and the Dragonborn with Galmar. Take that crown back to Solitude, soldier. There's bound to be more up ahead.". Let's see where this leads." Ulfric, too, once. Legate Rikke: "It won't be a waste." That was not her intention. I wouldn't do that again unless you know for sure it's going to open." Laila: "So enters Maven Black-Briar, the glint of Imperial coin in her eyes. Meet up with them, and together see if you can't overpower the caravan. Ulfric Stormcloak is dead. Windhelm will need a government quickly if we are to prevent more violence." Legate Rikke: "The Stonefist's no fool. ", Imperial Soldier 1: "What in the nine holds is that?" Laila: "We Nords were proud warriors once. "Tullius: "Jarl Balgruuf"Rikke: "Balgruuf refuses the Legion's right to garrison troops in his city. Make sure those forged documents get to the Stormcloak commander in Dawnstar. For the Empire! Ready now! After defeating all the soldiers stationed in the city streets, Ulfric will enter Castle Dour to confront General Tullius and Legate Rikke. Imperial Soldiers: (Cheer), Tullius: "I hate giving speeches." We're going to make sure he doesn't get his hands on it. Rikke will be at the Falkreath Imperial Camp if Falkreath was given to the Stormcloaks during the meeting at High Hrothgar, requesting that the Dragonborn join the Legionnaires for the assault on Fort Neugrad to reclaim it and the hold from Stormcloak control. Take my city. This results in Rikke traveling around to the various camps in Skyrim, giving you an enemy held fort to conquer. This is the day we send a message to Ulfric Stormcloak and the rebel Jarls who support him. ""Stay sharp out there.""Good. But I belong to her." Tullius: "Ulfric Stormcloak! Imperial Soldier: "Stormcloaks were already camped out around the entrance when we got here. Ulfric the Pretender wants that crown, but we're not going to let him have it. It's over. There are still Stormcloak camps, tucked away in the hills. Skyrim was originally inhabited by a race of Mer known as the Snow Elves, though after the Atmoran-Snow Elf War, the Snow Elves were destroyed and the Atmorans settled the land. Ulfric: "Secure the door." Families torn apart? Legate Rikke also tells Ulfric "Talos be with you" after he is slain. Rikke remains calm and says, "Steady, legionnaires! Do the Stormcloaks believe in Talos? When Esbern suggests that capturing a dragon in Dragonsreach may be the only way to get to Alduin, Jarl Balgruuf the Greater will be understandably hesitant if the Civil War still rages. It'll throw him off our trail, allowing us to maneuver more freely. Submitting to the Aldmeri Dominion is a really revolting concept to pretty much anyone who's played this game. When you return to Dragonsreach you will find several Imperial Soldiers, along with Legate Quentin Cipius who will quickly point you towards Legate Rikke in the front line, thus starting Battle for Whiterun. Then join them in wiping out the rebels. This is an important day for the Empire and for the Legion. Female Ulfric: "The Empire is weak, obsolete. Rikke: "It wasn't so bad." I'd rather take a moment and look around than walk blindly into an ambush. Well, soldier? She personally knows the key players of the rebellion, Ulfric Stormcloak and Galmar Stone-Fist, as they were once friends and fought side by side in the Imperial Legion during The Great War. All hail the Emperor. When you arrive, she will be engaged in conversation with one of the soldiers: Rikke: "What's the situation? Those Stormcloaks are here for the same reason we are. Rikke: "If you ladies are finished bickering, there's much to be done. I'm not going to go through the normal process with you. Race After taking the oath, Rikke will have a special assignment for you as the newest recruit of the legion: The Jagged Crown. Ulfric's right-hand man, Galmar Stonefist, has located what he believes is the final resting place of the Jagged Crown. I've reports they are hiding in the hills." Never forget that. And I don't often get good feelings about anything. She will seek you out and say, "Welcome back, soldier. We don't want any Stormcloak reinforcements taking us by surprise. We're not leaving here until we get what we came for. Do it now, or there will be rioting in the streets. Without this glimmer of hope that there really might be some slight flickers of rebellion within the Empire, nobody (who plays a good character) would ever side with them. The Legion always finds a way. I wonder what it's used for." To give the empire time to rebuild and plan their next offensive. ", What will it take to end the war? But before we go any further, it's time for you to officially join the Legion. Jarl Black-Briar put your government together. Auxiliary, see if you can find another way through. The Empire glories in your accomplishments. We couldn't have done this without you. "Galmar: "You were there with us. I am proud of all of you. When reaching the point of which an exchange of holds between the two factions is discussed, Ulfric will want control of The Reach. Let Ulfric pillage his city. He wasn't always a self-serving ego-maniac. When you report back after a job well done, Rikke will be excited as it is now time to hit the Stormcloak headquarters and capital, Windhelm. We'll charge in to help as soon as we hear fighting. General Tullius: "And we gave it to Elisif?" She will then travel all the way to High Hrothgar and take a seat at the negotiation table, commenting, "I'm glad I finally got a chance to see this place. sir. When asked if peace has come to Skyrim, she will remind you, "There are those who still call themselves Stormcloaks, who continue to fight us, and bring misery to the people but they are few in number. It matters little to me. When you report for duty, she'll say, "Your objective is the enemy held fort. ", Tullius and Rikke depart to return to Solitude and Castle Dour, Maven: "I think I'll like living here." It'll make for a better song. Look at how far we've come and with so little. "Ulfric: "Stop what? Legate Rikke: "Let's not jump to conclusions, soldier. You've been here long enough to know that Nords aren't always sensible. They never knew what hit them. A wagon to collect the prize to let him have it. exchange of holds between the factions. And make Ulfric surrender peacefully, but they know we 're not going let! 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