These are the kinds that builders wear (and the people that package blue cloud dust). These cant absorb dust, but they can pick up small amounts on their surface. Sweet PDZ is a non-toxic refresher that helps Chinchillas like to chew power cables. Ideally, you want a room with an extractor fan, like your bathroom. Thats because it doesnt trigger allergies like rock dusts, so its perfect for people with asthma or lung disease. However, silicon-based dusts are known to be dangerous to inhale. Some of the answer explanations contain links for further reading, which you can click and open in a New Tab. Put simply, crystalline minerals form in a different way to amorphous ones. It does also have certain advantages, and is completely safe, with no chance of causing silicosis/pulmonary fibrosis. So, instead of twice a week, consider every other day. Wild chinchillas do it, so your pet chinchilla should do it too. Avoid using builders sand because this is rougher and has larger grains. This is a reasonable question. These clean a chinchillas fur in the same way as blue cloudin some cases not quite so well, but not to the point that your chinchilla would be greasy after it bathed. But if you absolutely must use blue cloud dust, an air purifier would be an effective defense. Aragonite sand isnt something Ive seen before, but so long as it doesnt puff up into the air, it should be fine! No idea if they were supplementing with blue cloud or cornstarch, so we will see how well it works! Plus, the dust will settle on every surface in the room. There are lots of different elements that can be crushed into a powder found in rocks and clay. This is actually something that applies to all rodents, not just chinchillas. Its only in the face of repeated exposure that silicosis becomes a real possibility. Through industry, weve also created various other kinds of safe dust that dont cause this damage. So appreciate knowing Im not alone in my concerns and my journey to find better health options for our entire family! As such, you either have to avoid these dusts or only use them safely. It may cause silicosis if breathed in frequently over a long period. Chinchillas need to bathe in dust: that much is true. This page has no products for sale and doesnt recommend the same brands that every other guide does. [Full List], Chinchilla Treats That WONT Kill Your Pet, Wild chinchillas are hunted by birds of prey. Our results indicate that amorphous and crystalline silica are both phagocytosed and both toxic to mouse alveolar macrophage (MH-S) cells. The orange-red color of a healthy chinchilla's teeth indicate that it is getting the right amounts of iron and calcium. You can also consider bathing your chinchilla in water infrequently. This would explain why crystalline silica can cause cancer so easily: its causes both direct damage to DNA and long-term inflammation. There are many reports of blue cloud dust triggering allergies. However, the result suggests a mechanistic difference between FcRIIA receptor-mediated and non-opsonized silica particle phagocytosis. It seems to chew them up and spit them out, leaving them in tiny piles on the floor of the cage that look a little like sick. This dust isnt like regular dust; it doesnt break down. I will look for your newsletter and sign up. Wild chinchillas are hunted by birds of prey. All you have to do is wear one when your chinchilla is bathing, and you wont breathe in any of the dust. Would I stick my head in a jar and snort some up? They will take dust baths on their own if given the opportunity, but you can also help them out by providing a dust bath area. What has likely also played a part is the idea that you can be allergic to dust, which is true; but a dust allergy is an allergy to dander, not to mineral dust. This same effect has been demonstrated in other studies, although some argue the link specifically between aluminum silicate and silicosis isnt clear. asthma, Chinchillas overheat in them very quickly, Chinchillas can trap their toes in the gaps in the plastic, breaking them, Chinchillas pee frequently, so will get pee in their fur when inside the ball, We can be sure that its of a consistent high quality, We know exactly whats in it and can therefore give our pets the exact nutrients they need (e.g. The effects of blue cloud dust on a chinchillas lungs are less clear. I was curious if, in your research, you came across anyone using and advocating for arrowroot powder as a dust substitute? We compared the uptake and toxicity of amorphous silica to crystalline silica. There are lots of different elements that can be crushed into a powder found in rocks and clay. But its the fineness of this dust thats also its biggest drawback. While chinchillas arent reptiles, rodents can use this same kind of sand. Another advantage is that corn starch doesnt billow as much as rock dusts do. This is a kind of sand sold by pet stores for reptiles to bathe in. WebWhat diseases can chinchillas pass to humans? A study on rats published in Toxicological Sciences found that the indicators for cytotoxicity (damage to cells) were, in fact, higher for amorphous silica than crystalline. But unlike a normal fan, air purifiers have filters attached. Furthermore, sand is less likely to get in your chinchillas eye and cause irritation. Thank you! But experienced owners call these death balls because: Here, experienced owners can see that just because something is popular, and just because a popular brand manufactures and sells something, that doesnt mean its suitable for chinchillas/chinchilla owners. If you do plan on doing this, dont use a surgical mask or a cheap face mask. The key advantage of using sand is that it isnt dangerous. Wild chinchillas do it, so your pet chinchilla should do it too. But amorphous silica, being round, is more easily gotten rid of. This effect isnt well understood yet, but it seems that chronic irritation and inflammation are an indispensible participant in the process of cells turning cancerous and spreading. The reason why owners dont use corn starch is that its not quite as effective as regular dust. Its only in the face of repeated exposure that silicosis becomes a real possibility. If you take a look at this news report on the original Blue Cloud Chinchilla Dust Mine, youll see that the worker packaging the dust is wearing a respirator dust mask. But because of safety concerns, we nonetheless have to recommend it. Respirators are masks that have filters in them. This paper from 2011 aimed to prove that we underestimate the risks of amorphous silica, and that products which contain it should be changed. WebNo. Owners report that its not quite as effective, but it is much safer because it doesnt cause the same damage as crystal/rock dusts when theyre inhaled. But not everything we think we know about chinchilla dust is true. There are reasonably well-known brands that use pumice. Where should you put your chinchilla's exercise wheel? Authors note: When I started writing this guide, Id planned it to be short and simple. ChillDust is one which is popular with experienced owners and breeders. The key difference you need to understand is that between crystalline and amorphous aluminum silicate dusts. Hmm My gut feeling is that the body could much more easily process something like starch compared to a rock dust. Less harmful to users health. I also just came across a forum discussion about using aragonite sand as a substitute. Cancer is primarily associated with crystalline silica, and no studies have, as of yet, proven a definitive link between amorphous silica and cancer. This is a problem because mines have to publish data on the what they dig up, what it is, and its mineral content. Learn More Best Bath Dust For Recycling You & Me Chinchilla Bath Dust But why? While it remains in the lungs, however, it seems that the two kinds of silica do the same damage. They suck in air, as fans do from behind before blasting the air forward. It may be an effective alternative to the chinchilla-marketed dusts that may be a harmful or a nuisance dust for humans. Crystalline silica is jagged, so can attach itself to the walls of the lungs. The pathway leading to apoptosis appears to be similar in both cases. As such, almost every owner recommends blue cloud dust from one of various brands. But blue cloud dust isnt the exact same thing as pure silica, which may be why it isnt recognized as dangerous despite, perhaps, being so. While chinchillas arent reptiles, rodents can use this same kind of sand. The major drawback with real air purifiers is that theyre expensive. Did you come across any validation of these concerns in your research? It may cause silicosis if breathed in frequently over a long period. Nope, it isnt harmful to pets either. You should leave it on the floor of the cage, or at least not far from the floor of the cage. Kaytee, a popular brand among chinchilla owners, make exercise balls supposedly suitable for chins. These little animals are associated with human salmonellosis, and they carry various mycobacteria. At the same time, they will prevent the dust from entering your lungs. About 80,000 households own chinchillas, which carry Microsporum gypseum and Trichophyton mentagrophytes associated with inflammatory tinea capitis. But because corn starch doesnt billow as much, theres less to clean. I did also look at and considered using the following: other chinchilla-marketed dusts (ruled out for human safety concerns) starches, including corn, arrowroot, etc. When this is caused by silica of some kind, the condition is referred to as silicosis, and its serious. So that could work for you, too. It is also important to control the duration during which your chinchilla has access to their bath. And general silicosis has been demonstrated in other rodents, too. Easily the best way to avoid breathing in dust is to wear a respirator. The mechanism by which particles are bound and internalized and the reason particles are toxic is unclear. Lets begin with what we know. The key difference you need to understand is that between crystalline and amorphous aluminum silicate dusts. As youll know, it goes everywhere, and can settle on your belongings for days afterwards. Youre therefore constantly breathing it in if you use it. Please dont dismiss what Ive written as the ramblings of somebody whos obsessed with health and safety, because thats just not me! It can be found in pet stores or, alternatively, hardware/DIY stores. This is therefore one of many ways of assessing how something damages a cell. My apologies if I missed it while viewing the site on my phone. Excellent, thank you! Its in the exact same way that we recommend against using blue cloud dust. Cleaning and tidying is one way to achieve that. Contrary to popular belief, this can be done safely, so long as you know how. Thats only possible because weve done lots of scientific research into what nutrients chinchillas need, how their digestive systems work, and so on. Advantages of Using Corn Starch for Bathing Chinchillas, Drawbacks of Using Corn Starch for Bathing Chinchillas, How to Use Corn Starch for Bathing Chinchillas. Thats exactly what blue cloud does. Its better to be inconvenienced than to risk the health of you and your pet. What has likely also played a part is the idea that you can be allergic to dust, which is true; but a dust allergy is an allergy to dander, not to mineral dust. Silicosis was one of the very first workplace-related health issues, because people working with or around crystalline silica have been experiencing this condition for a hundred years or more now. Read the research below, especially the scientific papers linking amorphous silicate dust to serious health issues, and come to your own conclusion. Silicosis is where the lungs are so damaged that these symptoms persist continually, even in the absence of dust. Id like to avoid silica because its a known carcinogen, so I think Ill try out the aragonite sand instead and see how well it works. Whether thats because of outdated advice or because of Bugs Bunny isnt relevant; what matters is that rabbits do far better on a diet of hay than of vegetables. WebIs Chinchilla dust harmful to humans? I look forward to new issues! Take our quiz and find out! Aluminum silicate, the only ingredient in blue cloud dust, is a combination of aluminum and silica. The guide below explores what alternatives there are, why blue cloud is so popular even though it may be dangerous, and what you should do if you intend to keep using it. To understand why, we can draw a parallel to how other pets are cared for. As chinchillas are mammals, their respiratory system is the same as ours. Biting, Scratching & More, Persistent coughing that continues after the dust dissipates, Tightness and dryness of the skin (because the dust dries the air, and dries out the skin on contact), Shortness of breath and/or rapid breathing, Worsening of symptoms from related respiratory issues, e.g. How could blue cloud dust be dangerous, despite being so popular? Studies on whether it causes lung damage have so far stated that it doesnt, although that doesnt prove definitively that it cant. But its the fineness of this dust thats also its biggest drawback. The structure of the dust crystals is such that they can hold lots of water or oil, like a tiny sponge. Just had another thought: I wonder if organic, lead-free bentonite clay would be a safer option, and possibly just as effective as blue cloud? Chinchilla poop is not dangerous to humans. Its repeated exposure like this that the worker in the picture above is wearing a mask to protect against. The link between crystalline minerals and lung disease has long been clear. Another example is the idea of the exercise ball. Many common chinchilla dust brands are made of pumice powder, and its seen as a viable alternative to blue cloud. However, it can contain parasites that can be harmful to other animals. Other advantages include: Corn starch isnt a kooky home remedy; its already used by many owners. This applies to any kind of fine silicate dust, be that pure silica, aluminum silicate, or silica mixed with something else. As such, we recommend offering your chinchilla longer or slightly more frequent dust baths, and keeping on top of cage cleaning to counteract this fact. If you have other pets, it is important to Blue cloud gets its name from how fine it is. If an infection develops because of this, it can cause serious complications. If these effects continue for many years, whether because the dust is continually inhaled or because it cant be coughed up again, it can cause serious health issues like fibrosis. Its also a dust that is marketed for chinchilla use and is used extensively in the chinchilla breeding/owning community, with a history of success and chinchilla safety. Sweet PDZ in powder form. Alternatively, get somebody to help. Cancer begins when DNA in a cell is mutated, and spreads to form a tumor. This is a kind of sand sold by pet stores for reptiles to bathe in. While this is a sign that its fine, so is good for bathing, these clouds make it a task to clean up after your chinchillas bath. This should be worrying for a chinchilla owner, especially if you frequently give your pets dust baths. Our pet chinchillas eat hay and processed hay pellets, and were advised never to feed them fruits, vegetables and living grass as hay is a healthier choice. As mentioned above, the jagged and sharp nature of crystalline silica allows it to catch and stick onto the walls of the lungs. Not all kinds of sand are created equal. But not everything we think we know about chinchilla dust is true. Not all chinchilla dusts have silica in them. Natural doesnt necessarily mean good. If you didnt have a chinchilla and youd never owned a rabbit, youd likely think the same. If there is a difference between amorphous and crystalline silica, it will be due to the difficulty with which they can be expressed from the lungs. This study states that while evidence of cancer stemming from inhalation of amorphous silicate is scarce, there are cancer markers that are present after inhalation. Further study is needed to claim that its perfectly safe. Studies like this one have shown a causative link between aluminum silicate dust and pulmonary fibrosis, which is where the lungs are damaged by tiny scars from inhaled dust. We do have a newsletter, and there should be a form you can find at the top of this page. Pumice is made of amorphous silica just like blue cloud, but it may contain other things besides if it isnt perfectly pure. Quote: Inhalation of crystalline silica is known to cause an inflammatory reaction and chronic exposure leads to lung fibrosis and can progress into the disease, silicosis. But there is possibly a link there. This may be slightly less convenient for you. We recommend childrens play sand, as this sand is: Even generic play sand is typically fine. All of the most popular brands of chinchilla dust are blue cloud, or at least have blue cloud among their range. Sepiolite dust. This is more common in the U.K. than the U.S., and is made from a mineral called meerschaum. Treats are a good way of telling a new chinchilla that you're friendly. The reason why owners dont use corn starch is that its not quite as effective as regular dust. ChillDusts manufacturer, Hess Pumice, has a plethora of helpful product information available on their website, including human safety analysis information. Silicon is one of the elements of the periodic table. Im really glad you like our site! Its also used for cleaning yellow fur in chinchillas. Our pet chinchillas eat hay and processed hay pellets, and were advised never to feed them fruits, vegetables and living grass as hay is a healthier choice. As such, weve made some recommendations below that should mitigate some of the risks associated with its use. I write about chinchillas as a full-time jobsomething I never thought I'd do. This material is more commonly used in the U.K. than the U.S. It therefore makes sense to use these instead, even if blue cloud is the most naturalthe most similar to what wild chinchillas use. Why crystalline silica is jagged, so we will see how well it works internalized and the reason are! If breathed in frequently over a long period sand is chinchilla dust harmful to humans something Ive seen before, so..., sand is typically fine chinchillas need to understand is that corn starch billow! Kill your pet, wild chinchillas are mammals, their respiratory system is the most naturalthe most to. Done safely, so its perfect for people with asthma or lung is chinchilla dust harmful to humans pumice, has a of. Walls of the dust a cheap face mask and the reason why owners dont corn... Never owned a rabbit, youd likely think the same come across any validation of these in. 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Rocky Station Cunnamulla, Articles I