Go figure. IF AND ONLY IF the OP is thinking about doing this, they should really sit down and look an the options (tuition reimbursement from current company) and numbers (realistic return on investment). During the recession around 2011 and lasting several years, I was constantly job searching even while I was employed. All good luck disentangling yourself. Wait forever for atmosphere and meetings to start. I majored in history in college, thinking I would go to law school. Checklists are gold for consistent proofing and you can add another step if a new error crops up. I bring this up because as a selectively out person I read this and thought oh god oh god please ask first, accompanied by a little pit in my stomach. OP#3 Your HR person is a jerk I am sorry this happened. Johnson said that her parents were turned down by a judge in Tampa, but travelled to Pinellas County, where a judge approved her marriage. Hey, what happened to the other people that interviewed the day before? Its really easy for me to gloss over small errors when my brains already reading the whole sentence. When you use this technique explanations such as, I was rushing, I was tired etc all get chucked to one side. With locations throughout the United States and Canada. If it wasnt for all of the above stuff, Id be totally fine with selling office supplies door-to-door for low pay- I like to think I am humble and try to work hard, I actually used to wash dishes at restaurants in high school. I mean, if I had my preference, pronouns would have no gender. OP3, you have my full empathy and my utmost respect. Yeah, I would also just *use* they pronouns. I know it was long. 9 Cydcor reviews. Doubt there are any dragons lurking in the office. Im currently not looking for a job, but when I was searching I hated working with most recruiters because they didnt advocate for my best interests. So if someone in the group is negative - you don't want to socialize with that person. As commenters have pointed out, you dont need to explain it at all. Fortunately, a good cover letter and lots of networking helped me get hired (at entry level, but at least Im no longer unemployed!) And while it wont help your resume, neither will it be the kiss of death. Answer: they sell anything and everything. I dont think that would be the most considerate way to do things. Im sorry I wish I had a different answer for you! It all clicked together. When you write something, your mind fills in the sentence automatically and you wont see the typos or omitted words. I promise you, no future employer will look down on you for doing honest work to make ends meet during a time when everyone is struggling. Like, genuinely upset and annoyed that this sign said that they had a doctorate. If theyre revealing this with disregard for your personal data, they are also perfectly capable of gossiping about truly confidential things and your org should worry about that. Oh and I was actually fired. Each office only works with one company, therefore they are flat out lying to the individual by mentioning any other company besides the one they are currently working with. It was just an all-around bad situationdont let this be you. A free inside look at company reviews and salaries posted anonymously by employees. Id suggest you do a quick inventory to see if this is derailing your brain in other ways (do you dwell on it for hours, do you take it home with you, that kind of thing) and if the answer is yes, consider talking with a professional to see if you may have a clinical anxiety issue that could be helped. And oftentimes, a business leader can have more impact on these terrible HR people, because they can have more sway with executive (non-HR) leadership. They do door to door sales. Everything is weird. Someone coming in with a fresh set of eyes can check if the overall results make sense, if they match other sources, if the code looks right, if important control values are correct, etc. Customer acquisition programs aimed at small and medium-sized businesses match client products and solutions to customers' unique needs. Elenia, if you dont mind my asking, what country are you in? But if youre more rushing just to get through it,try setting the work down after youre finished and then come back and recheck it later with fresh eyes. If youre in the US, you cannot be legally forced into an arranged marriage at all or to share an account with another person once youre over 18. When people complain about the rising cost of a degree, they are right. Some people use they especially for trans people as a way to avoid using the actual pronouns for that person, with a sort of ha ha but this is the generic one, it works for everyone! excuse and its skeezy. I did get my degree, as I said. The brilliance behind the scheme: there was no damn management position awaiting my fulfillment. I got a much better paying job because I saw my worth. Apparently, he got snagged into working for the same company as a recent grad in the 2002 recession. Here we go. He got a full time job as a courier for a laboratory, working from noon until 8 p.m. A year later we got married, and he started attending classes in the mornings to get his missing credits and earned his GED. I managed to find an apartment and someone who let me stay until I could get a job and pay my share of rent. This! I do have my skills up, I am now the inventory manager of a plants and trees nursery because I like to spend my time at hard, honest work- I've been there for . You will have less mistakes, you will catch more of the mistakes you do make. That being said, your HR manager is a horrible piece of work. Going off to college and not being able to call your mom about your day, your friends, boys etc. Whether or not to raise it with your manager depends on how often its happening. READ: Foreign websites steal our content, Click Here to read other Ripoff Reports on Phoenix Solution. Not a new optionthirty odd years ago every kid I knew (also my parents) used to try to get diphonic MacinTalk* to say naughty words, the late 20th century equivalent of looking up sex stuff in dictionariesbut yes, all hail modern screen readers. The group then breaks out in cult-like rituals by playing games, chanting, dancing, giving a ridiculous amount of high-fives, and praising their "national conference" like its the greatest thing on God's green earth. Good luck! Unfortunately, based on how Cydcor operates, Id be deeply skeptical that youre going to get HR experience of much value. Regardless of whether education levels are considered private, *discretion* is critical to the job. For the sake of transparency: I would for sure delete comments promoting specific MLMs here (because I dont want anyone hijacking my site to promote a specific business; that would seem pretty spam-ish to me), but not comments just defending that business model in general. If I saw they/he, I would use they. It's not really a scam, but also not something you'll want to stick around for. I cant quite figure out how that translates to an MLM setup., but it sure sounds.vague. Youd honestly probably be better getting a job in fast food or at Target. I'd love to hear some more ex-Cydcor stories. I work in government and everything (save for SS#s and banking info) in our file is public knowledge so Im not as disturbed by that the info is being kept private but the manner in which she is sharing this and the vitrol/mocking that is surrounding it is definitly wrong and should be brought to the attention of higher-ups. All Im saying is that people have the right to determine when and where they come out, and that if youre ever not sure how to refer to someone, you should always defer to ask them rather than guess and possibly put them in an uncomfortable, bad, or dangerous situation they werent prepared for. Fun follow-up for that one: they hated the message and did indeed ask me to explain every line of input and every assumption in the data. A good checklist customized to your needs is a great saver of brain power. I would definitely flag this and say that I wanted to know what the reason for sharing peoples files are/if confidential info would be shared in the same way. Once youre out, Id check with your state labor commission website to see if thats legal. I cant give any advice about the HR person, but I hope the above can get you into a mindset to help with your education insecurities. At least with the people Ive worked with in immunology, your degree doesnt tell me anything about what kind of coworker you are. This. Yeah the idea of picking a pronoun solely based on how others feel about their identities feels very performative to me. He has opened up a new company called 45 Inc. Their disadvantage was that if they wanted to move to a different job requiring similar skills, they might encounter managers who wouldnt even consider them as equal too, much less better than, candidates with degrees in completely irrelevant subjects and little or no experience. During that realization -period or progress, ONLY hearing how bad the company you work for is, and how much you have been fooled, probably is not the most helpful thing. Anyway, the usual things apply. I was desperate for a job but I knew I could never ever ever do a job like that. If youre passively job-hunting, this could be a good thing. Advertisers above have met our You were called into an interview, and basically bullied into a job. I did the FIRST one with my fly open accidentally and they called me back- which should have been the biggest red flag of them all but how was I to know if they noticed or not?!?! Unfortunately you may want to take whatever you can get I t order to get out of there. Everyone needs a second, fresh pair of eyes. People joke I was born with a red pen in my hand, but I cant proofread my own work anymore. Bite, not bight. If you have the people skills to survive public-facing retail, intra-office interactions should be trivial. Find salaries. Of my graduating class that went to college? The website is extremely well done -- and appears to be completely legit. Ive learned to slow down and take a few breaths before I review my work, and maintain a checklist for processes, admin details, reporting, etc. I then find out that I am starting at the same exact level as all of these cool cats hanging in the room -- I'm thinking what the hell is going on here? There are also phone apps that will read content for you. Cydcor- a pyramid selling scheme with franchises across the country to hide its identity. And if the student gave the LW their preferred name, odds are pretty good that preferred name is somewhere in their application. I was so pissed off I couldn't finish my food. It's absolutely disgusting. I had to fix so many words in this post because of flamin autocorrect! Ran a lot of impacts and meetings. They will offer a job to just about anyone. Usually it just means the individual in question is fine with either set of pronouns. 2) Refer all questions about compensation til lunchtime. What people didnt know is I had gotten kicked out of my house at 20 by my mother, in the middle of college, and she retracted all of my college payments and took all the money in in my account (I was forced to have a shared account), because I refused an arranged marriage. d the ones where stakeholders are most likely to be skeptical of the output of the analysis: I once had to share an analysis with the management board that showed theyd need to increase their people budget by 15% to win the 25% revenue growth they were hoping for the following year. When you are dealing with lots of little pieces of information, and they need to be right, it is folly to go it alone. I find printing the document is a very good way of changing the appearance, but if you dont want to waste paper, simply copying and pasting the text from powerpoint to word (for example) will help. Re: careless mistakes Copyright 2007 - 2023 Ask A Manager. Until I got a new sales job the following week where my base salary was more than I made the entire previous year. I have a Bachelors degree in my field, my manager has some Community College level classes, but only a high school degree. Cydcor. Its not something everyone can just go and do (and is rather shortsighted when people reckon its a simple thing to just go and get). Also they will do just enough to make you believe that you are going to get promoted, just need to do a few more things. There were 8 steps to the system and when I failed, I must have failed one of the cult items. OP3, everyone who is not a dope like your coworker knows that there are smart and talented people who went to college and smart and talented people who didnt. This sounds like a similar complaint. Cydcor has garnered a reputation for sales excellence and expertise, consistently exceeding client expectations and driving revenue . This sounds awfully familiar to certain species color blind recruitment strategies whose principle goal is not reducing bias to produce better outcomes for an employer but preventing any agency, outside or in, from collecting demographic data on applicants and employees that might reveal how piss poor or unmotivated they are at finding, keeping, and advancing talented people of color. I mean wow. They didnt have us join the sales rallies or drink the kool aid but boy, it was like a cult. THAT is HR malpractice and just all around disgusting behavior. This report was posted on Ripoff Report on 12/09/2010 08:02 AM and is a permanent record located here: It was right after the recession and I had no other opportunities so I tried it. Please rethink that. I just want to second Alisons suggestion about retail. And people who are dyslexic or dysgraphic get an even more immediate benefit, because they can focus on context. So again, thank you for sharing, kind stranger online. The more differences there are, the more easily your brain can see it as new, needs review.. I was being asked to pay for own gas for company business, which is not all that uncommon but there was no reimbursement at all. You are praised big time if you personally recruit - but to advertise in papers - you can only tell an applicant half truths to get them to try the business out.#3 Definately!#4 Yes! I came to say this, too. The reasons are multiple. And if you dont have the clout theres nothing you can do: if you strike at a king you should not miss. 3.5 out of 5 . Its your job to find, recruit, and sucker more people to join an organization to "help you" get promoted. That was the end of that for me. (She failed to say you will be walking for 8 hours straight and spend one hour inside the office where you still have to stand since they are to cheap to have any chairs or desks)After talking up the company, she wished me luck and said I might get a call back for a 2nd interview. Door-to-door sales people for Rogers and Bell have very good promotions at their . I too would feel emotionally hurt by this. Academia is more than happy to promote degrees as evidence of the probability that an individual can learn and demonstrate that learning. In addition to the daily meetings? But try to find a work proofreading buddy. I knew that they actually wanted to grow the budget by 10%. Im very good with big picture and pride myself about being obsessive about details. Even at Ivy adjacent kind of places, letters of rec are fairly far down the list on the list of reasons why you would or would not admit this person unless its coming from someone a building is named after/is on the board of trustees. I dont think I have to do it for everyone because not everyone has a specific request around this. In Tuesdays post if you need a distraction tonight, here are some classic Ask a Manager letters the one about cooking for 19 people. Everyone was wearing nice suits so I thought "cool." (Or, like I prefer they, but Im not going to be horribly offended if you use she. I had such a viscerally negative reaction, I got up and left in the middle of the interview literally while the guy was talking! Some people in this life have been told that college is not for them or that they are not smart enough for college. However, they dont investigate beyond blaming the universities. 3) Make sure you put a fear of loss in them, that we are only hiring a few people. On the rare occasion that college education or lack thereof was mentioned, most people were kind of surprised but that was about the extent of the conversations. But Ive been working for 30 years and Ive (mostly) managed fine without one, as I am sure you will. Dont click on those slick Ads! Listing those out has become quite common in academia. I managed to start building a halfway-decent team, I gained some guys, lost a few, had some really good sales weeks and months, always made my bills, even started actually being able to save. It is a multi-level marketing(pyramid) scam.It is sad and pathetic excuse for a company under the Cydcor umbrella.Save yourself the time and embarassment from your family and friends.Company does not reimburse you on any of the business expenses. Come back, settle the new people up first. Its always good to get another person (preferably a good proofreader if one is available) to look at your work with fresh eyes. )and of course, theres the old Johnny Cash song about a Boy Named Sue. My expenses were stupidly low at the time so I could afford to live on ~$300 a week, even eating out most nights and driving my car everywhere. Pen in my field, my manager has some Community college level classes, but I quite. College is not for them or that they had a different answer for you op # your. 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