and coverage. Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 4 Some who work in the church are trained in profes-sional skills, acting as doctors, lawyers and scholarsas ap- Credit Rating: 1070propriate, use the occupation template which best describesthe nature of the investigators work. more so in the present day where sporting heroes stand side by side with film stars on red carpets around the world. Take the result and 2. Your idol or hero. If creating a new occupation, confine the number Assassin see Criminalof skills to eight, otherwise the notion of an occupation be- Athleteing a concentration of knowledge and ability (skills) quickly Author [Lovecraftian]becomes pointless. Most of Lovecrafts stories take place in New England. While drifters tend to only work when forced to, First Aid, Listen, Mechanical Repair, Psychology,hobos are essentially workers who wander. (a parent, a anything once, lives on the edge). particularly in the fields of astronomy, physics and other theoretical sciences. Except for a few oc- cupations like Soldier, additional skill points for Fighting and Firearms normally come out of personal interest skill points. (i) (Flail) 2 One Use $0.50/$3 Live Wire, Throw - 1920s, Modern220-volt charge Throw 1 - $25/$150 Mace Spray* Fighting - Rare (Spear) 1 - $1/$25 Nunchaku Throw - 1920s,Modern 1 - $30/$75 Rock, Thrown Fighting Shuriken (i) (sword) Spear (cavalry lance)* Spear, Thrown (i) Sword, heavy (cavalry saber) 251, investigator's handbookHand-to-Hand Weapons, continuedName Skill Damage Base Uses per Bullets Cost 20s/ Malfunction Common in Range Round in Gun Modern Era (Mag)Sword, medium Fighting 1D6+1+DB Touch 1 $15/$100 - 1920s, Modern (rapier, heavy (Sword) 1D6+DB Touch 1 - $25/$100 - 1920s, Modern epee)(i) Fighting 1D3+stun Touch 1 - Sword, (Sword) 1D3+stun 15 feet 1 -/$200 97 Modernlight(sharpened 1D8+half STR STR yards 1 Varies _/$400 95 Modern fencing foil, Fighting 3 $2/$4 -sword cane) (i) (Brawl) - RareTaser (contact)* Firearms (Handgun) Taser (dart) ThrowWar BoomerangWood Axe (i) Fighting 1D8+2+DB Touch 1 - $5/$10 - 1920s, Modern (Axe)Rifles(i)*, see also Assault RiflesName Skill Damage Base Range Uses per Bullets in Cost 20s/ Malfunc- Common in Round Gun (Mag) Modern tion Era.58 Spring- Firearms 1D10+4 60 yards $25/$350 95 Rarefield Rifle (rifle) 1D6+1 30 yards 1/4 1 2D6 50 yards Musket Firearms 1D8+1D6+3 80 yards 1 6 $13/$70 99 1920S, .22 (rifle) 2D6+1 20 yards 2D6+4 110 yards 1 ModernBolt-Action Firearms 2D6+1 90 yards Rifle (rifle) 2D6+4 110 yards 1/3 6 $19/$150 98 1920s, 1/3 .30 Lever- Firearms 2D6+4 110 yards Modern Action (rifle) 1 Carbine 2D6+4 110 yards 1 (2) 1 $20/$200 100 1920s Firearms.45 Martini- (rifle) 2D8+4 110 yards 1 1 $200 88 1920sHenry Rifle 3D6+4 100 yards Firearms 1 8 $400 100 WWII, Col. (rifle) LaterMoran's Air 1 Firearms 10 $500 97 Modern Rifle (rifle) 1Garand M1, 1 or 2 5 $50/$300 100 1920s, Firearms M2 Rifle (rifle) 252 Modern SKS Firearms 5 $75/ $175 100 1920s, Carbine (rifle)). someone, a head-butt might be the most appropriate form of attack. Being at the hub of the business, most secretaries know Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + (DEX x 2 or STR x 2)more about the inner workings and operations of the busi-ness than their bosses do. Dreamer (e.g. S Adjust age according to period of war and starting 9. Harvey must find his way through the smoke and flames, and the Keeper 57investigator's handbookAmerica or Canada has a good chance of English as his or Pictureher own language, an investigator born in Quebec mightlearn French at infancy, while one born in Arizona might A space exists on the investigator sheet for you to draw ahave Spanish or Navajo, and one born in San Francisco picture of your investigator. In the U.S., charter boats work both coasts, as well as onthe Great Lakes, catering to sport fisherman and vacation- Skills: Accounting, two interpersonal skills (Charm, Fasters. Psychoanalysis is barely of their homes or go on extended buying trips, making profitknown in the U.S., and its basis in sexual life and toilet train- on reselling to urban is felt to be indecent. what do you blame them? There is something frightful in the care with whichtermines the lifestyle, type of accommodation, travel and these actual raiders destroyed each scrap which bore the leastexpenses that a person can comfortably afford on a day-to-day basis. Your family home (e.g. Good Cook (e.g. A non-player character (NPC) in the game. A pet (e.g. The allocation of skill S Choose a starting age of 25 or over.points derived from the EDU characteristic reflects the factthat older people tend to know more. Look to this line of work? You never knowif your be Specific, Emotional an enthusiastic amateur inventor in investigator dies or is injured during and Emphatictheir spare time. Campaigner/Activist (e.g. For the minority, great success andwealth can be found by being in the right place at the right Skills: Anthropology, History, Library Use, one inter-time, plus having a modicum of talent. Psychoanalysis, Psychology, any two other skills as academic, era or personal specialties. determined by the Keeper).2 yards, 3 yards, etc. bakes wonderful cakes, can make a 8. nesses. Make 3 improvement checks for EDU.60s Deduct 20 points from STR, CON or DEX (split across one, two or all three), and reduce APP by 15. The study and exploration of the past. Skills: Accounting, Drive Auto, Electrical Repair, Fast Talk, Mechanical Repair, Navigate, Spot Hidden, any Skills: Climb, Jump, Listen, Navigate, one interpersonal one other skill as a personal or era specialty. black market and legitimate buyers. If result is greater than yourpresent EDU, add 1D10 percentage points to EDU (EDU cannot goabove 99).Now write in the full, half, and fifth values for each characteristic inthe boxes on the sheet.2Derived Attributes 4Decide Occupation & Allot Sanity equals the POW characteristic. Make 2 improvement checks for EDU.50s Deduct 10 points from STR, CON or DEX (split across one, two or all three), and also from APP. That's because only a real artist knows the actual anatomy of the terrible or the physiology of fear-the exact sort of lines and proportions that connect up with latent instincts or hereditary memories of fright, and the proper colour contrasts and lighting effects to stir the dormant sense of strangeness. The Keeper may apply an upper limit to starting skills,such as 75%. 83investigator's handbookLibrarian [Lovecraftian] officer respect. Credit Rating: 10-80 (income is usually dependent on boyfriends income) Gangsterism rose to prominence in the 1920s. What did you do? other skill as personal or era specialty. What a cupboard written in an unknown language, a was their flaw? In the 1920s, the theatrical center of the U.S. is in NewYork City, although there are major stages in most citiesacross the country. Most firearms may fire 1D10 to those within 9 bullet without penalty; more bullets up to the maximum(shown by the number in brackets) may be fired, but each Garrote: Requires the victim to make a Fighting Maneuvershot is taken with a penalty die. Something given to you by your Significant Person nection. In the ment, media and marketing. In the 1920s, ancient occult artifacts! S Officers choose from: Climb, Firearms (Handgun),Optional Rule: CappedStarting Skill Values First Aid, Listen, Navigate, one interpersonal skill (Charm, Persuade or Intimidate), Stealth, SpotInvestigators having high skills should not unbalance the Hidden,, given that some skill rolls will require them to rollunder a half or a fifth of their skill. You may not have Roll 1D10 or pick one of the following. The SAN characteristic served only to set starting Sanity points and is no longer recorded as a characteristic.The decision was taken to unify characteristics and skills; Characteristicboth are now on a comparable percentage scale. When adding points to the skill pool, take care not to include the Base Values. spend most of their time indoors, working and writing, however some go on to become field researchers. Pick one or choose randomly. Note the distinction between a Suggested Contacts: Scholars, universities, libraries. common. Also see Criminal: Bootlegger/Thug. They work around the clock, on shifts lasting Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 4several days, eating, sleeping and entertaining themselveswithin the confines of the fire station. Forensic surgeons are often called toFlapper [Classic] give testimony at criminal proceedings.Being a flapper is a state of Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 4mind rather than an oc-cupation, although some Credit Rating: 40-60.dilettantes have raised it toa fine art. If an insane investigator fails a pushed roll, he or shemight be found behaving like the animal they were trying Pushing examples: checking an items validity withto control. (Brawl) 1D8+1+DB 1 - $2/$6 - 1920s, Modern (i) Fighting 1- - 95 Modern Knife, Medium (Brawl) (carving knife, 1 25 Squirts -/$10 - 1920s, Modern Fighting etc.) Build 7th edition introduces Build, which is used when determin- ing fighting maneuvers and also chases, and is derived from STR and SIZ (see Damage Bonus and Build, page @@).The values from the previous edition are one-fifth of the Movement Ratenew values; all that is missing is the half values. Discover the best professional documents and content resources in AnyFlip Document Base. 8. Professional boxers andtype, others may be simply local indigenous people who es- wrestlers work and train full-time.cort hunters through the backwoods of the Yukon in searchof moose or bear. Larger corporations may also employ such academ- Psychoanalysis, Psychology, Science (Biology),ics for research and product development. Roll twice for a Luck and use the higher PDF investigator sheet . world, with probably the most famous being the Pinkerton and Burns agencies (merged into one in modern times).Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + DEX x 2 Large agencies employ two types of agents: security guards and operatives.Credit Rating: 920 Guards are uniformed patrolmen, hired by companiesSuggested Contacts: Amateur athletic circles, sports and individuals to protect property and people against bur- writers, circuses and carnivals. Thenames shown were all popular in America in the early part can only be spent if time is taken to realizeof the twentieth century. 10. The forger will requireused to make a duplicate or fake item. miliar with earthly magicthe secrets of Mythos magic are unknown to them, save in tantalizing hints referencedMusician in ancient books.May perform in an orchestra, group or solo, with any instru- Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 4ment you care to think of. Check all flipbooks from startobb. Law, Listen, Operate Heavy Machinery, Psychology.Waitress, Cocktail ZealotServes customers and clients within a hotel, bar or other Intense and vision-driven, scorning an easy life, the zealotdrinking establishment. Take Shotguns: Do three levels of damage depending on theirminimum damage on following round. Some eight characteristics. Perhaps they have was once held dear becomes mean- and skills. Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 4 Miner Credit Rating: 50-80. Undertakers are licensed by the state. Call of Cthulhu 7e - Investigator Handbook (Pre-Release) (2014) (Ingles). park bench where you first kissed, your university, your grandmothers home). Suggested Contacts: Others in the field of mental illness,Professor [Lovecraftian] physicians and possibly legal professions.Professors are academics employed by colleges and univer- Skills: Other Language, Listen, Medicine, Persuade,sities. Most Skills: Drive Auto, Electronic or Electrical Repair, Fight-are specialized in one part of the world, such as the Canadian ing or Firearms, one interpersonal skill (Fast Talk,woods, African plains, or other. they raise crops or livestock, or who is employed to do the same. Some schemesare elaborate, involving teams of scammen and rented buildings; others are 75investigator's handbookBootlegger/Thug Forger/CounterfeiterOccupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + STR x 2 Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 4Credit Rating: 530 Credit Rating: 2060Suggested Contacts: Organized crime, street-level law Suggested Contacts: Organized crime, businesspeople. How? 99investigator's handbookPushing examples: taking more time to study the site or the object, piece or composition from scratch; conductingitem; conducting further research; consulting another further research; checking with another The same cultist would have CON 12 +STR 20 DEX 60 INT 85 CON 70 SIZ 13, averaged to 12.5 and rounded up to 13 hit points.APP 85 POW 45 SIZ 80 EDU 80 Thus, some enemies and non-player characters may have 1 hit point less in 7th edition than in previous edi- tions. Much of darkest Africa is still unexplored, as are great portions of the Matto Grosso in South America, the great Suggested Contacts: Political operatives, government, Australian desert, the Sahara and Arabian deserts, and much news media, business, foreign governments, pos- of the Asian interior. maternal grandmother, paternal8. a little from 7th edi-Education tion rules, there is no -1 -1D4additional need to redo the ef- -2 -1D6 fects of age. Normally quite talented individu- fake ID for petty criminals, while the best engrave plates forals, some gaining a high reputation for works of art, while counterfeiting currency.others provide a needed community service. A major wound from a chainsaw severs a randombeen inflicted: maximum damage (plus maximum damage limb.bonus for melee weapons) and add a damage roll for theweapon. 10. Some are uniformed, such as the U.S. Hidden. The offices of detective and prosecutor are separate, so that the evidence may be weighed independently beforeAn aviator is a stunt pilot, working at carnivals or offering trial.daring leisure rides for those willing to pay. Riding the rails continually, on the move from one town Journalist [Lovecraftian]to another, they are penniless poets and vagabondsexplor-ers of the road, adventurers and thieves. Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 4 Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 4 Credit Rating: 2080 Credit Rating: 5-30 Suggested Contacts: Old college connections, Masons Suggested Contacts: Other labor leaders and activists, or other fraternal groups, local and federal govern- political friends, possibly organized crime. 65Chapter FourOccupations Any magazine-cover hack can splash paint around wildly and call it a nightmare or a Witches' Sabbath or a portrait of the devil, but only a great painter can make such a thing really scare or ring true. Small Taxi drivers may work for large or small companies, or newspapers may have only a single editor who, in fact, maypossibly have their own cab and license (medallion in the also be the owner as well as the only full-time employee.US). Skills: Art/Craft (Farming), Drive Auto (or Wagon), one interpersonal skill (Charm, Fast Talk, Intimidate or Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + APP x 2 Persuade), Mechanical Repair, Natural World, Op- erate Heavy Machinery, Track, any one other skill as Credit Rating: 1030 a personal or era specialty Suggested Contacts: Jazz-age society, bohemians, dilet-Federal Agent tantes, criminals.There are a vast variety of federal law enforcement agencies Skills: Art/Craft (Dancing), Drive Auto, two interper-and agents. Where science is applied to creating useful items, one might employ an engineer, but if one wishes to expandSailor, Naval the bounds of what is possible, one will require scientists. The place you met your first love (e.g. Pick four non-occupation skills and boost them by ing a warprobably the Great War of 1914 to 1918 for 1920s 20% (adding 20 to the skill base values). In Accommodation: such a person would be perhaps with some domestic help (butler,play, Credit Rating de- living on the street. critics, actors guild or union. The best investigative journalists report, but keep them- selves independent of the corruption and self-serving they Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + (APP x 2 or DEX x 2) witness. A famous person. full automatic fire.Burn: target must roll Luck to avoid catching on fire. Chaosium site has the quick start guide, with a scenario written and some pdf sheets on the site. A few aviators even service exams, police detectives of every era are grounded infind work as test pilots for the aircraft manufacturers. Credit Rating: 6095 One does not necessarily Suggested Contacts: Organized crime, street-level crime, The cause of death isunusual! 65 13 70 14 EDU is no longer the only characteristic used to generate 75 15Occupational Skill Points. He has 12 hit points.Multiplying each of these by 5 gives us the following 7thedition characteristics: In earlier editions, hit points were the average of CON + SIZ, rounded up. The following random tables provide a waydevelopment phase for the recovery of Sanity points. Forinvestigator is adept at certain things, example, my wife identifies thewhether through their work, hobbies Dont write too muchjust a few subject, but tells us nothing aboutor upbringing. Many their experiences as junior officers and ordinary patrolmen.aviators learned to fly during the Great War and as a resultstill hold commissions as officers in the Army, Navy, Ma- The uniformed police officer is employed by cities andrines, or Coast Guard. 1. Spy Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 2 + (DEX x 2 or APP x 2) Spies work for the intelligence community of a political state or organization. (Biology or Botany), Throw. Psy- chiatrists are trained in psychopharmacological treatment The private investigator may have been a member of a and are authorized to prescribe psychiatric medication, aspolice force in the past, using those connections to his or her well as order electroencephalograms and computed brain-advantage in the present; however this is not always the case. Suggested Contacts: Universities, parapsychological Photojournalist Publications. Explorer [Classic] In the United Kingdom, Members of Parliament are In the early twentieth century there are still unknownpopularly elected every four to five years. Accidents personality defers to personal honor. service revolver, your old huntingRoll 1D10 or pick one of the following. Embed Call of Cthulhu 7e - Investigator Handbook (Pre-Release) (2014) (Ingles) to websites for free. cricket bat, a signed baseball, a fishing rod).Meaningful Locations 9. Police Experience PackageOptional Rule: The investigator has served for a number of years on a policeExperienced Investigators force or has retired from this profession. Credit Rating: 930 During the 1920s, secretarial work was mainly con- Suggested Contacts: Military, veterans associations.cerned with correspondence, such as typing dictated letters,organizing document filing systems and arranging meetings Skills: Climb or Swim, Dodge, Fighting, Firearms,for their bosses. The Keeper should wish (within the 15 to 90 range). Touring companies 70chapter 4: occupationsAlienist [Classic] Antique DealerIn the 1920s, alienist is the term given for those who treat Antique dealers usually own their own shop, retail items outmental illness (early psychiatrists). During the early twentieth century, union officials find themselves caught between big business wishing to destroy them, politicians alternately befriending and condemning them, communists and socialists trying to 91investigator's handbookinfiltrate their ranks, and criminal mobs trying to take them Middle/Senior Managerover. Most likely a general practitioner, surgeon or other specialist, Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 4 such as a psychiatrist or an independent medical researcher. Science has all the answers. are employed in a servant capac- Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 4 ity and includes butler, valet Credit Rating: 20-40. and ladys maid. Each state, regardless of size, also Disguise, two interpersonal skills (Charm, Fast Talk,sends two Senators to Washington. Probably plays in a professional baseball, football, cricket or basketball team. Skills: Accounting, Appraise, Archaeology, History, It should be noted that, in the main, occultists are fa- Library Use, Occult, Other Language, Spot Hidden. Skills: Art/Craft (Photography), one interper- sonal skill (Charm, Fast Talk, Intimidate or Occupation Skill Points: EDU x 4 Persuade), Psychology, Science (Chemistry), Stealth, Spot Hidden, any two other skills as Credit Rating: 930 personal or era specialties. If they were able to stack their respec-tive knowledge on a table like poker chips and measure the Master: among the worlds best in thedifference, a physicist of 60% in the modern day knows skill.much more than a physicist of 90% skill in 1910. the Keeper agrees that there is sufficient overlap with that Equally, some skills would be affected by location. While some are appointed without ever havingpracticed law, most judges are licensed attorneys whether Skills: Climb, Dodge, Fighting (Chainsaw), First Aid,they sit on the smallest bench in a far-off Western town or Jump, Mechanical Repair, Natural World or Scienceon the bench of the Federal Supreme Court. The highest enlisted rank is Chief Petty seek out prospects wherever they might be found. for accommodation, food or incidental travelprofession. Some fanatics promote their beliefs through violence; however the peaceable majority may be just as A technically illegal profession during Prohibition, many implacable. Often famecould be won by competing in organized air races, either Though present day detectives may attend police sciencecross-country or on fixed courses. Talented or not, the artists ego must be hardy and terpersonal skill (Charm, Fast Talk, Intimidate orstrong to surmount initial obstacles and critical appraisal, Persuade), Swim, Throw, any one other skill as aand to keep them working if success arrives. Ensures expertise in settinggoing native for a period; taking an active role in a up and excavating a dig site. Stealth. Sort out money if and when you need it. scene. If it youll notice some changes have been made in 7th Edi- is a skill in which you are likely to spend points, the ben- tion. Traditionally low-paid, the waitress agitates for a better life for humanity or for some advantageearns tips from clients by giving good service and trying to for the group imagined to be the most worthwhile part ofestablish a rapport. leOsIncectseukrpeilaslst-if wished. Some entries group related occupations; for example Bank Robber, Bootlegger, Burglar, Conman, Forger/Counterfeiter, and Assassin are all listed under the Criminal occupation. It was that thick-witted house-keepershe turned on the lights downstairs after I had warned her not to, and the wires picked up sympathetic vibrations. How did they come rors their loss of sanity and growing not necessarily dice roll results. Good with Animals (e.g. The spending His cash is $82 (41 x 2) and he has $2,050 (41levels exist purely to ease the flow of the game; no one wants to x 50) worth of assets. The Keeper will advise on whatName other equipment an investigator may start out with. Your hometown (e.g. See Disguise (page @@).Cobbler Cook DancerFine Art Forgery Morris DancerOpera Singer Painter & Decorator PhotographerPotter Sculptor WriterWoodworkMany of these examples are skills directly linked to a pro- Fine Art (05%): The artist is accomplished in the art offession, but the skill may just be a leisure pursuit. bus tickets, stuffed their place, you fell out over something you said, animals, records). as a pushed roll, but only if they can justify to the Keeper what their investigator is doing to gain a second and final Certain skills embody a wide range of knowledge, such attempt (see Call of Cthulhu Rulebook).as Art and Craft, Fighting, Firearms and Science, allowinginvestigators to specialize in narrower avenues of learning. the Keeper may add or amend a country and regularly went hunting background entry. The target should roll one-fifth or less of their DEX on 1D100 to avoid being temporarily blinded. All dream of the vindication of their beliefs.job opportunities exist working in the illegal speakeasiesowned by the mob. Credit Rating: 970Artist Suggested Contacts: Sports personalities, sports writers,May be a painter, sculptor, etc. Library Use, Mechanical Repair, Operate Heavy Ma- chine, Science (Engineering and Physics), any one The 1920s are the first decade where the urban popula- other skill as personal or era specialty. ) Gangsterism rose to prominence in the early part can only be spent time. Park bench where you first kissed, your university, your university, your grandmothers home ) hunting! To generate 75 15Occupational skill points may also employ such academ- psychoanalysis, Psychology Science. Crops or livestock, or who is employed to Do the same sculptor, etc age according period! Time indoors, working and writing, however some go on to become field researchers or item... 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St Jacobs Horse Auction, Articles C